Pritzker signs more than 80 bills into law
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[August 07, 2021]
By Greg Bishop
(The Center Square) – Gov. J.B. Pritzker
signed more than 80 bills Friday.
Many of them go into effect immediately, like one that creates licensing
for “landscape architects” (Senate Bill 214).
Others go into effect on Jan. 1, 2022, such as one requiring Illinois
State flags bought by state institutions to be made in the United States
(House Bill 605).
One that goes into effect July 1, 2022, Senate Bill 294 requires
labeling “Do Not Flush” on nonwoven disposable wipes.
Pritzker signed the following bills:
Bill Number: HB 15
Description: Requires school districts to provide written notification
to a student’s parent or guardian when a student commits an act of
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 18
Description: Allows school districts to perform teacher evaluations
every two or three years, rather than every two years, if the teacher
previously received a rating of ‘excellent’ or ‘proficient’.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 32
Description: Requires the Department on Aging to create and distribute a
factsheet with resources to all home-delivered meals recipients.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 41
Description: Requires school districts to provide students and their
families the option to send the student to an in-state special education
residential facility prior to placing the student in an out-of-state
special education residential facility.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 60
Description: Adds trampoline courts, dry slides, alpine slides, and
toboggan slides to the list of “amusement rides”under the Amusement Ride
and Attraction Safety Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 68
Description: Requires Hospitals to include within their quarterly report
the number of female patients who have died and the number of female
patients admitted to the hospital who died with a COVID-19 diagnosis and
at least one underlying condition.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 214
Description: Adds “advanced practice nurses” and “associate physician”
to the medical professionals certified to complete death certificates
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 266
Description: Amends the Guardians for Adults with Disabilities Article
of the Probate Act of 1975 and expands substituted judgment by
considering the current preferences and wishes of the individual with a
disability to the level of their ability to participate in
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 369
Description: Grants a court hearing a case jurisdiction to make the
findings necessary to enable a minor who has been adjudicated a ward of
the court to petition the United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services for classification as a special immigrant juvenile under
federal law.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 375
Description: Requires the board of public universities and community
colleges to notify adjunct professors about the enrollment status of
their courses both 30 days and 14 prior to the start of a semester or
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 399
Description: Creates the High-Speed Rail Commission, which is charged
with creating a statewide plan for a high-speed rail.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 414
Description: Authorizes the Department of Commerce and Economic
Opportunity to institute the water and sewer assistance program.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 417
Description: Makes several changes regarding the City of Chicago Park
District pension code.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 452
Description: Makes technical changes in the Rehabilitation of Persons
with Disabilities Act to better align with the federal Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately, except Commission on Volunteerism provision is
effective January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 453
Description: Requires taxing districts with a levy more than $5 million
to collect and publish ethnic and race data on vendors and contractors
which do business with the taxing district.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 576
Description: Expands the range of exemptions from attending school to
include the mental and behavioral health of a child.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 577
Description: Adds specificity to the model policies developed by the
Illinois State Board of Education and school boards pertaining to
suicide awareness and prevention.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 605
Description: Requires Illinois State flags purchased by State
institutions to be manufactured in the United States.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 640
Description: Adds the Illinois Chapter of the International Association
of Arson Investigators and the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Illinois as
ex officio members of the Illinois Fire Advisory Commission.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 648
Description: Expands the percentages of eligibility for tenants
receiving assistance under the Rental Housing Support Program to remain
eligible for assistance.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 653
Description: Increases fees assessed on Clean Construction or Demolition
Debris (CCDD) fill operations from 20 cents to 28 cents per cubic yard,
and from 14 cents to 20 cents per ton, of material accepted.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 665
Description: Creates Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers, subject to
appropriation to issue grants for non-profits, and community
organizations, and provide career training to dislocated workers
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 694
Description: Allows a veteran to redact personal information and health
issues from their disabled veteran license plate application.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 713
Description: Prohibits the sale of a device to a radon contractor for
use in licensed activities without prior approval of the device from
theIllinois Emergency Management Agency .
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 816
Description: Modernizes the use of paid sick leave for teaches and other
employees of a school district with respect to the birth, adoption, or
placement for adoption of a child
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 832
Description: Repeals budgetary mandates based off the recommendations of
the Budgeting for Results (BFR) Commission.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 1207
Description: Provides protections for employers who learn information
about applicant’s compensation history when discussing loss of unvested
equity or deferred compensation during salary negotiations.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: HB 1726
Description: Makes technical changes to several funds.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB 1795
Description: Makes clean-up changes the Illinois Trust Code.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 60
Description: Streamlines the process for disposing of surplus real
property owned by the State.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 84
Description: Permits the Department of Natural Resources to sell a park
space to the Village of Dunlap.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 116
Description: Allows boards of directors to have shareholder meetings
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 154
Description: Requires multifamily rental units funded by the Affordable
Housing Trust Fund to allow one to two pets per household.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 214
Description: Creates the Landscape Architecture Registration Act which
will provide a standard definition and licensing process for landscape
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 273
Description: Increases investments made by local municipalities.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 294
Description: Requires clear and conspicuous labeling “Do Not Flush” on
nonwoven disposable wipes.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 317
Description: Allows other units of local government to be eligible to
receive certain tourism grants from the Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 338
Description: Makes changes to how the State Treasurer’s Office manages
abandoned or unclaimed property.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 340
Description: Extends the tax credit for employer matching contributions.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 561
Description: Creates the Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Reduction Act. Prohibits the use of firefighting foam containing
intentionally added PFAS unless certain conditions are met. Adds other
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 581
Description: Makes the Illinois Office of the Comptroller the
administering agency of State and University Employees Combined Appeal
and makes other technical changes.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
[to top of second column]

Bill Number: SB 593
Description: Strengthens the Address Confidentiality for Victims of
Domestic Violence Program.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 603
Description: Makes provisions for paramedics who are not subject to the
compulsory retirement age applicable to firefighters.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 633
Description: Requires the Illinois Stated Board of Education’s school
report cards to include data on the number of incidents of violence that
occurred during school-related activities and resulted in student
disciplinary measures.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 641
Description: Requires colleges and universities to advertise contact
information for their Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel and
Student on their website and social media accounts.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 652
Description: Requires that if Local School Council membership falls
below seven members, then four members (at least two who are elected)
shall constitute a quorum to meet for the sole purpose of filling
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 653
Description: Updates and clarifies how financial institutions may become
approved State depositories and enter into agreements with the
Treasurer’s Office
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 669
Description: Expands the Attorney General's authority to provide for
additional oversight of the student loan servicer industry in Illinois.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 698
Description: Requires that state IDs be issued to persons upon release
or discharge from the Department of Human Services and prohibits a
person convicted of aggravated domestic battery from receiving a school
bus driver permit
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 740
Description: Allows Bensenville to sell the White Pines Golf Course.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 808
Description: Clarifies that a student teacher candidate may not be
required to submit test materials by video submission to obtain
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 812
Description: Requires the State Board of Education to make available on
its website the total number of personnel with a school support
personnel endorsement , along with other information.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 922
Description: Clarifies the role of the Board of the Illinois State
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 930
Description: Changes the deadline for the Task Force on Disability
Income Insurance and Parity for Behavioral Health Conditions to submit
findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly to
December 31, 2022 (rather than December 31, 2020).
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 965
Description: Extends the repeal date of the Autism and Co-Occurring
Medical Conditions Awareness Act to January 1st, 2027.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 968
Description: Requires private insurance plans to provide coverage for
pancreatic cancer screenings.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1078
Description: Expands the definition of “physical therapy” to include the
treatment of a person through dry needling and intramuscular manual
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1079
Description: Requires licensees of the Illinois Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation to complete a sexual harassment awareness
continued education training course required for license renewals.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1086
Description: Deletes a provision in the Environmental Protection Act
(EPAct) that allows persons to construct, install, modify, or close coal
combustion residual surface impoundment facilities.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1089
Description: Improves the regulatory structure for Construction and
Demolition recovery facilities under the EPAct.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 1138
Description: Provides that the governing commission of a home equity
assurance program that levied at least $1,000,000 in property taxes in
2019 or 2020 may not levy any property tax in levy year 2021.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1231
Description: Changes the definition of off-highway vehicle to exclude
large non-highway vehicle.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1232
Description: Enables the state to provide financial assistance toward
hangars or other airport buildings if they are of public-use,
public-owned, and of public-benefit.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2021
Bill Number: SB 1245
Description: Requires the Department of Natural Resources to publicly
announce which counties will have hunting season.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1247
Description: Cleans up language of the herptile act.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1305
Description: Clarifies that the Bluford School District does not have to
repay a grant for not being able to obtain LEED Silver certification
from building construction.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 1536
Description: Allows a rental vehicle company to avoid liability if the
rental car is stolen and the renter fails to file a police report within
24-hours, cooperate with the rental car company and return the rental
vehicle’s key.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1542
Description: Deletes language requiring that a Uniform Invoice be made
out in triplicate.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1545
Description: Increases the damage requirement for vehicles to be
considered salvaged or flooded.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1552
Description: Allows Juvenile Detention Centers to submit written
requests to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice’s Chief of
Records for records they have a specific need for.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1577
Description: expands the range of exemptions from attending school to
include the mental and behavioral health of a child.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 1592
Description: Prohibits insurers from denying or refusing to provide
autism diagnosis and treatment services for those under 21 that are
otherwise covered solely based on the location where the service is
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1599
Description: Creates the Human Trafficking Task Force Act. Sets
guidelines on memberships and duties of the Task Force.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1600
Description: Includes restaurants and truck stops as establishments that
must provide its employees with training to recognize human trafficking
and appropriate protocols to report it.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1610
Description: Requires all higher education institutions to issue a
Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey to students on an annual basis.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1632
Description: Makes technical changes to the Clinical Social Work and
Social Work Practice Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1640
Description: Prohibits a school guidance counselor from intentionally
soliciting or receiving gifts from prohibitive sources.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 1672
Description: Requires the Department of Insurance to collect information
on dog-related incidents and requires the information to be available
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1673
Description: Makes technical changes to the Animal Control Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1690
Description: Creates the Illinois Small Business Fund and requires that
DCEO use the fund to manage proceeds that came from investments that
DCEO has taken from its Venture Capital Investment Program.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1714
Description: Amends a requirement that fire fighter training schools
provide training on the history of the fire service labor movement to no
longer apply to volunteers being trained.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022
Bill Number: SB 1767
Description: Amends the Prevailing Wage Act and allows that certain
contractor and project payroll information to be searchable to the
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB 1791
Description: Requires the Illinois Department of Transportation to
conduct a traffic study following the occurrence of any accident
involving a pedestrian fatality that occurs at an intersection of a
State highway.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2022