Check stations are used by the IDNR to monitor
CWD in Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Grundy, Jo Daviess, Kane,
Kankakee, Kendall, LaSalle, Livingston, McHenry, Ogle,
Stephenson, Will, and Winnebago counties.
A list of check station locations for CWD testing can be found
on the IDNR website Firearm Deer Hunting Information for CWD
Counties page. The list this year includes a Carroll County
check station at Mississippi Palisades State Park. Hunters
harvesting deer in Kane County should take their deer to a check
station in an adjacent county.
In those counties, hunter-harvested deer must be taken to a
designated firearm deer check station by 8 p.m. on the day the
deer is killed. All persons at the check stations will be
required to follow guidance from the CDC and Illinois Department
of Public Health in place at the time of the hunt regarding use
of face masks and social distancing.
Successful firearm deer hunters in all other counties must
report their harvest by 10 p.m. on the same calendar day the
deer is taken by using the online check-in system at
harvest or by phone at 866-452-4325.
Successful deer hunters in all other counties may have their
deer tested for CWD. Hunters can visit participating vendors
(taxidermists and meat processors) or drop deer heads at
self-serve drop off sites. A list of locations is available on
the IDNR website at:
The Illinois Firearm Deer Season dates are Nov. 19-21, 2021, and
Dec. 2-5, 2021.
[Illinois Office of Communication and