[February 13, 2021]
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Pictures by Curtis Fox |

The members of “Quilters at Heart”
survey their task for the day. |


And the sewing begins with the
expert quilters applying their superstar skills to attaching the
flag. |

The quilters decided to use a whip
stitch to attach the flag to the foam core. The tan material is
called a handling edge, and was attached during restoration for the
express purpose of attaching the flag to the foam core. This is a
standard practice. The edge with the stitches will not be visible to
a museum visitor. At no time did the needle and thread touch the
actual flag. The skilled artisans wore gloves during the project,
and at no time did they touch the flag.

An old-fashioned quilters circle sewed the flag to the handling
edge. There was plenty of back-and-forth conversation with helpful
comments by all as the work progressed. The project went quickly.
They swiftly established a rhythm. |

The work of attaching the flag proceeded at a rapid pace. The group
even went beyond the original scope of work and sewed a continuous
stitch on the sides as well as the top. A few stitches were placed
on the bottom of the handling edge. |
The flag is firmly in place. Jason
Hoffman would next install the flag in his custom made display case
just before the opening of the new exhibit “Our Cause is Just” and
the unveiling of the restored Middletown flag.
The new exhibit and the flag opened to the public for viewing on
Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, February 12.
Contact Olivia Partlow at the Lincoln Heritage Museum to schedule a
visit. |
Lincoln Heritage Museum is open
Tuesday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 1 to 4 p.m. |
For more information please visit
Lincoln Heritage Museum’s website at
https://museum.lincolncollege.edu/. |
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