The free workshop, held via videoconference
from 9-11 a.m. EST on Feb. 25, is geared toward seed treatment
applicators and crop advisors.
Speakers and topics will include:
- Darcy Telenko, Purdue plant pathologist, will speak about wet
soils and their impact on seed fungicide treatments.
- Christian Krupke, Purdue entomologist, will focus on seed
treatment use and potential impacts on bees.
- Don Robison, Office of the Indiana State Chemist seed
administrator, will update participants on Indiana seed
treatment regulations.
- Norm Wagoner, KALO manager, will explore customized seed
treatment technologies and industry trends.
Advance registration is required here.
The workshop qualifies as continuing credit hours for category 4
commercial seed treatment applicators and continuing education
units for certified crop advisors.
For more information, contact Kenneth Eck, Purdue Extension –
Dubois County, at
[Writer: Brian Wallheimer
Source: Keneth Eck,]