For ACEP-WRE in FY21, Illinois was allocated
$4.5 million. NRCS may establish a second application funding
cutoff opportunity later this year if all funds are not used in
the first application cutoff or if more funds become available.
Dozier reminds farmers and landowners they can apply for ACEP—and
all conservation programs—at any time, as sign-up is continuous
and applications can be submitted any time.
NRCS offers two types of easements through ACEP: Agricultural
Land Easements (ALE) and Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE). NRCS
will establish an application cutoff for ALE at a later date.
NRCS is still finalizing ranking criteria for fiscal year 2021.
The Geographic Area Rate Caps (GARCs) are DRAFT but available
for applicants to view. The GARCs establish the rate per acre
that NRCS pays to landowners for the ACEP-WRE easement.
The purpose of the Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE) is to help
landowners enhance and protect habitat for wetland wildlife on
their lands, reduce impacts from flooding, recharge groundwater,
provide outdoor recreation, and increase habitat for migratory
NRCS provides technical and financial assistance directly to
private landowners to restore, protect and enhance wetlands
through the purchase of these easements, and eligible landowners
can choose to enroll in either a permanent easement or a 30-year
easement. To apply for a wetlands easement through ACEP - WRE,
visit NRCS at your local USDA Service Center.
Find more information about ACEP and other NRCS conservation
programs in Illinois online at
[Paige Buck
Public Affairs Officer
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service]