The United States Department of Agriculture’s
(USDA) January Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and
Demand Estimates reports will be a main topic of the discussion,
as will a look at profitability estimates for 2021.
“To kick off 2021, our first webinar of the year will review
information released in the January USDA reports and take a look
at what the year ahead may have in store,” said James Mintert,
professor and director of the Center for Commercial Agriculture.
“Carryover crop supplies have tightened considerably, and
concerns exist regarding South America’s harvest. Michael
Langemeier, Nathanael Thompson and I will review updated
information from USDA and other sources and discuss strategies
to consider for 2021.”
Langemeier is a professor and associate director of the Center
for Commercial Agriculture, and Thompson is an assistant
professor in Purdue’s Department of Agricultural Economics.
Registration is free on the Center for Commercial Agriculture’s
website (link below). Upon registration, participants will
receive a confirmation email with a link to view the webinar
live at its scheduled time. Those unable to join live can
register to receive a follow-up email after the webinar to
download the slides and view the recording.
Learn more and
register here.
[Writer: Torrie Sheridan
Source: James Mintert,]