It is a good idea to check with your agent to
confirm the acreage reporting date for your policy. If you fail
to report on time, you may not be protected. If you report too
much acreage, you may pay too much premium. If you report too
little acreage, you may recover less when you file a claim.
Crop insurance agents often say that mistakes in acreage
reporting are the easiest way for producers to have an
unsatisfactory experience with crop insurance. Don’t depend on
your agent to do this important job for you. Your signature on
the bottom of the acreage reporting form makes it, legally, your
responsibility. Double-check it for yourself.
Remember - acreage reporting is your responsibility. Doing it
right will save you money. July 15, 2021 is approaching. Talk
with your agent to ensure you get your acreage reporting right.
Always get a copy of your report immediately after signing and
filing it with your agent and keep it with your records.
Remember, it is your responsibility to report crop damage to
your agent within 72 hours of discovery. Never put damaged
acreage to another use without prior written consent of the
insurance adjuster. You don’t want to destroy any evidence of a
possible claim. Learn more by visiting RMA’s website.
[Farm Service Agency/Risk Management