Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education
Board approves SRO Officer and tentative back to school plan
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[July 21, 2021]
The Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education called their regular
meeting for July 19, 2021 to order at 6:00 PM in the MPGS Learning
Center. All Board members were present with the exception of Mr.
There were four audience members in attendance including two members
of the student council and two high school staff members. No members
requested to address the Board.
The first item of business was the Consent Agenda, which included
the approval for the payment of bills, the sales tax report, meeting
minutes from June 21, 2021 & June 28, 2021 and executive session
minutes from June 21, 2021. Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board
that sales tax revenues reported for April were up once again at
$27,205. He felt this was a good sign of an improving economy in the
pandemic. The motion passed unanimously.
Superintendent Lamkey reported on the finishing touches to the high
school construction project which include sidewalk renovation along
Spring Street, street lights along Spring Street and the
installation of the marquee. The marquee has been installed and is
awaiting an electric connection which should occur at the end of
this month. The street light project will wait for the completion of
the sidewalk project so that the proper grade may be maintained to
set the lights. The City of Mount Pulaski has the lead on the
sidewalk project.
High school principal, Heather Fricke, described a new
extracurricular activity that she is proposing, E-sports. This is an
up and coming activity that has the potential for students to earn
college scholarships. Mrs. Fricke is still measuring interest in
this program, but she hopes to kick it off this fall.
Principal Lora from the grade school then described curricular
changes being offered in the junior high including an agriculture
elective, a coding class and podcasting. Students seem excited about
the new electives, which offer a different spin compared to
traditional music and art classes. Mrs. Lora added that the addition
of the junior high agriculture class will potentially open an
opportunity for the addition of a junior high FFA chapter.

Mr. Martin opened a discussion considering the addition of the Trap
and Skeet coaches to the extracurricular salary schedule. After the
discussion, it became apparent that there were other factors to be
considered. The administration will investigate to see what would
benefit the program the most.
Mr. Brown asked Principal Lora a question about the enrollment of
junior high math classes. Mrs. Lora said that the junior high is
going away from tracking students and taking on a more heterogeneous
approach that has been proven to be better for student learning. The
grade school math teachers continue to work on curricular and
instructional changes with the Regional Office of Education. Mrs.
Lora noted that the grade school will maintain an 8th Grade Algebra
I class for qualifying students. This year’s class enrollment is 11
Under Unfinished Business, the Board discussed the changes that have
occurred in CDC and IDPH guidelines that now allow for more local
control as school approaches. Mr. Lamkey explained that the
administration is looking to provide an educational setting that
creates the least restrictive environment which will optimize
student learning. The Hilltop Return to School Plan 3.0 will be
discussed in New Business.
The first item in New Business was the approval of the Consolidated
District Plan, which is an application created for ISBE that allows
the school district to receive state and federal funding. The motion
passed 6-0.
Sheriff Landers and Deputy Pharis have been in communication with
three county school districts, New Holland-Middletown, Hartem and
Mount Pulaski, concerning the addition of a School Resource Officer
(SRO) shared between the three. This has been a topic of discussion
amongst the Board for several years and widely considered a need for
the district. Under the contract, each district's Board of Education
would pay $22,565.11 for an equal share of time for one SRO. The SRO
would be a presence at all schools to assist as needed, as well as
building positive relationships with students. The SRO would also
collaborate with teachers to work with students on appropriate
topics. After a short discussion on this matter, the Board approved
the SRO 6-0.

The next items under new business involved district policy. Policy
Committee members, Mr. Wilham and Brown, briefly explained a few
language changes and reviews that did not greatly affect the content
of policy. After this review, the committee entered a discussion of
potential policy that would disallow remote students from
participating in extracurricular activities. It was added that this
would not include students who are remote for specific medical
purposes or under quarantine. After some mixed discussion,
Superintendent Lamkey was directed to put together policy language
that could be reviewed by the policy committee and discussed again
at the August meeting. The second reading of Press Policy was
approved and the Board Policy Update was adopted, both with 6-0
[to top of second column] |

Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 joined a coalition of over 300 Illinois school districts
which are sending a resolution to the governor’s office affirming school
district’s rights to maintaining local control when considering pandemic
mitigation measures. This resolution is an act of unity that respectfully states
the expectations of all the schools involved. The resolution passed 6-0.
Superintendent Lamkey, in cooperation with President Cowan and Vice President
Mott, completed an application for the Illinois Association of School Boards to
become recognized for excellence in school governance. Last year, only 15
districts in the state were honored and Mr. Lamkey feels MPCUSD23 is worthy of
consideration due to the outstanding leadership of this school district’s board
of education. Applications are due August 1st and recognized schools will be
identified later this fall. The measure was supported 6-0.

The Board then approved the Tentative Hilltop Return to School Plan 3.0, 6-0.
This plan is tentative, as expectations from the Illinois State Board of
Education and the state government
become more clear. The theme of the plan will maintain local control by our
district, but some of the language and metrics will be adjusted between now and
the August 16th Board meeting.
Highlights of the plan include:
● School will be conducted full days (8am - 3pm)
● All students will attend school in-person.
● Masks must be worn on school transportation per the CDC, IDPH and ISBE.
● Masks will be recommended for all non-vaccinated individuals, but our local
district will determine mitigation practices based specifically on our schools
● All extra-curricular activities will take place in their normal season in
accordance with the Illinois High School Association and the Illinois Elementary
School Association.
● School visitors and field trips will once again be considered by
In short, we are in a much better position this year compared to last year. The
district is adamant about instructing students in a least restrictive
environment based on student needs and local conditions. We are very optimistic
that we can begin the school year in a traditional and normal manner.
The Board then considered if there was a need to open Executive Session Minutes
to the public. Being that there were no concerns, the item died due to the lack
of a motion.

Superintendent Lamkey then spoke about the district Risk Management Plan which
creates a system to allow for safe and efficient practices in the school
district. Lamkey added that a time study would be conducted this school year to
determine the percentage of the work day each different position spends on risk
management activities in the district. The plan was approved 6-0.
The 1963 High School Gym was prepared for painting this week which entailed the
removal of all temporary items from the gym’s walls. Superintendent Lamkey
informed the Board that if they desired a change in format and structure of wall
hangings, this would be the time to consider change. He also noted that there
was not enough current wall space under the current system to hang all new
banners. The Board directed the Building and Grounds Committee, as well as Mrs.
Fricke and Mr. Lamkey to research options for the gym. They will report back at
the August meeting.
The Personnel Report had four items:
● Hiring Rob Siebert and Jamie Selinger as Co-Assistant High School Soccer
● Hiring Chelsey Smock as the Grade School and High School Assistant Volleyball
The motion passed 6-0.
Under Items of Information, Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board that
reservations for the Joint Annual Conference have been made and we are currently
waiting for our assignment. The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm. The next regular
meeting will be August 16, 2021 in the MPGS Learning Center.
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Assistant
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23] |