A pickup truck crashed into the site late Friday
night. Asked if the damages had set the project back, Central
Illinois Veteran Commission leader Joe Schaler said that it had not.
He noted, “We are overcomers.”
Wood for roof trusses for the new build was damaged in the crash.
Happily, none of those boards were the two by fours signed by the
community. And luckily, they had been delivered by a local supplier,
RP Lumber, who was able to bring out more in time for the pieces to
go atop the first tiny home when needed.
If there was any detriment to the first day of building, it was the
heat. Temperatures on Saturday soared into the three-digit figure
with heat indices reaching about 103 degrees. But it appeared that
very few of the more than 50 volunteers that began the day were
bothered by what Mother Nature was throwing at the project.
The group did begin the building project a little earlier than
originally planned according to the home recipient Scott Jackson. He
said that Schaler had given him a call earlier in the morning saying
that the building crews were on hand and excited to get started on
the construction project. Schaler asked Johnson to come to the
building site earlier than planned if possible.

Jackson is a Logan County resident. He had lived in
Lincoln, but for the last little while he has been staying in
Middletown. He said he got ready and drove to the site arriving a
little earlier than planned.

When Jackson arrived, 2 X 4’s of Hope Directors Mark
and Chris Lawrence, Logan County Veteran’s Assistance Commission
Director Dan Benedict and Schaler called the group of volunteers to
attention. A prayer was given to start the day, and then Mark
Lawrence spoke to the group about how the day would go.
There would be five building groups each one with a leader that was
experienced and trained for home construction. Volunteers would
divide up with four people on each construction crew. Other
volunteers would be material handlers, making sure that materials
were placed in the proper locations for construction workers to work
quickly and efficiently. Ohers would help out where needed, as
Lawrence reminded the volunteers that they were not expected to be
experts in construction, which was why each team had a trained
leader. The key to success would be to listen to the leaders, ask
questions when needed, and look out for the safety and wellbeing of
one another.
He reminded the volunteers that there was a tent for shade, lots and
lots of cold beverages, and lots of morning sweets laid out for
everyone to enjoy. Lawrence said that Sugar Creek Bar-B-Que would be
providing lunch for everyone.
He also told the group that in a grand show of community spirit and
support a neighbor from across the street had come to him early in
the morning with a sweet offer. The neighbor said that any and all
of the construction crew who felt overwhelmed by the heat should
walk right over to his home and come inside for a break. The
neighbor said the air conditioning was running well and anyone who
needed it was welcome.

Finally, he said that safety was rule number one. He wanted the
volunteers to be careful, to not do anything that was unsafe for
themselves or their co-workers. He asked that everyone look out for
one another. If it was noted that a nail gun was not being used
properly for example, to stop the person and get a quick refresher
from the team leader on how to do it right. It was mentioned by both
Mark and Chris Lawrence that there was a first aid station on site.
Mark Lawrence said that even what seemed like just a scrape or a
scratch should be checked out by the people who are manning the
first aid station.

To start the build, volunteers were asked to grab
two by fours and gather in front of the concrete pad that would by
the end of the day look like a house.
[to top of second column] |

As the volunteers complied, they were encouraged to
check out all the signatures on the boards. The messages of
gratitude for service to their country, the word of welcome to the
new homeowner were to be the very foundation upon which this new
home was built.
After a few photos it was go-time and teams disbursed
to their assigned locations to begin the building project.

Exterior walls were framed out using the signed two by four’s.
Within the first 40 minutes the first wall was set into place and
attached to the floor joists on the new home. The first wall was the
16 feet wide back wall. Then came the first long wall. Measuring 36
feet long, about one dozen volunteers lifted the wall frame and
carried it to the home where it was placed and attached to the floor
as well.
Another group set to work painting trim pieces that would be used
later in the building project. Pieces were painted then laid out to
dry on a special rack until needed.
Work continued rapidly and by just after noon, the house was taking
shape. Exterior wall coverings were in place, the individual rooms
inside the home were framed out and volunteers were starting on
putting the roof on the home.
Lawrence had told the group at the beginning of the day that there
were rain showers forecasted in the evening. The ultimate goal was
to have the home at a stage of completion where water would not run
into the interior of the home if that rain did fall. Mission
The Sunday crews, Lawrence said, would work on the exterior of the
home adding siding and other details, so that by the end of the day,
the house would look like a home. Professional electricians would be
working on the interior, so at the end of the weekend there would be
a lot accomplished on the outside, leaving the interior work to take
place over the first few days on the new week.

On Saturday afternoon, Schaler was thrilled with the accomplishments
of all the volunteers on the first day. The project was coming along
nicely and he was looking forward to seeing what the little home
would look like come the end of the day on Sunday.

Sunday volunteers continued to put in all the effort
needed to wrap up the outside work on the home. A lovely stone
façade gives the house as extra special touch, while vinyl siding on
the other three exterior walls will make the house maintenance free
for the new owner.
Inside the home on Sunday, work started on placing electrical
fixtures. Jordan Lenz with 2 X 4’s of Hope said that contractor work
will continue inside the home on Monday and Tuesday. Electric,
plumbing and HVAC will be installed and on Wednesday dry walling
will start.
Then, making the interior nice and getting the home furnished will
be among the final steps before an official ribbon cutting ceremony
on Sunday, August 1st.
Lenz said that 2 by 4’s of Hope will host a ceremony including a
ribbon cut starting at 1 p.m. next Sunday afternoon. After the
ceremony there will be opportunities for the community to tour the
home and visit with its new owner as well as those who were involved
in the build.
Additional details about the ribbon cut will be published later this
LDN will continue coverage of the building project as work
[Nila Smith]