A private family celebration of life will be held at
a later date.
Funeral home: Holland Barry & Bennett Funeral
Emmett Daniel Flora, infant son of
Kaitlyn Frizzell and Scott Flora, passed away on
June 12, 2021 at St. John’s Hospital.
A private family celebration of life will be held at
a later date.
Emmett was born June 7, 2021.
He is survived by his parents; brother Owen Wilson;
maternal grandparents William ( Kim) Frizzell;
paternal grandparents Brett ( Mary) Boring and Scott
( Tammy) Flora; maternal great grandmother Virginia
Chere; paternal great grandparents Virginia Stark
and Jean Flora; and several aunts, uncles, cousins,
and extended family. |

He was preceded in death by his great grandparents Dan Chere,
James Stark, Ronald Morris, and William
( Mary) Frizzell.
Holland Barry & Bennett Funeral Home is assisting the family.
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