There is a growing concern that the media is ignoring President
Joe Biden's gaffes, outrageous spending, horrific social and foreign polices,
and the total failure of his vice president. But this is nothing new for liberal
media. And believe it or not, most people believe what they read in the media.
Yet in the political world, it is an inconvenient truth most reporters in print
media, radio, TV and the internet are aware they are biased to the left. And
that is why so many people turned to internet journalism for news.
By 2000, major print media felt the circulation crunch when
people abandoned their fish-wraps for the internet. But that honeymoon is over.
Today with only a few major liberal players in control of the web who are
censoring everything, they've made it difficult for people to find accurate
The liberal media running interference for the transgressions of Democratic
presidents is nothing new. They've been doing this since the end of WWII when
universities started cranking out avant-garde leftist journalists. They ignored
the affairs of JFK, the racism of LBJ, the incompetence of Jimmy Carter, the
womanizing of Bill Clinton, and the disastrous foreign policies of Barack Obama.
When the liberal media was caught with their pants down in the 2000 fiasco in
Florida, predicting a win for Al Gore, they've worked overtime spieling out
anti-GOP agitprop and defaming the center right in America.
"It never bothered me what the reporters had to say about me."
– George Bush

By 2008, in the midst of the Great Recession with the identity politics of the
"Obama-change-fever" that gripped America, the liberal media had a fiction field
day recreating stories about Obama. They went the extra mile to camouflage his
decades-long ties with radicals Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Michael Pfleger,
Jeremiah Wright, Madeline Talbott, and a multitude of shaky Chicago politicians.
The Hoover Institute reported that the media gave Obama a free pass on more
issues of concern to Americans than any recent president. They cite his failed
recovery, fumbles in Iran, and Bengazi cover up as his biggest foreign policy
failures ignored by the media. The media also failed to report data on the
economy, terrorism, his failed green energy brownout, and his lack of new job
creation. The liberal media placed their fiction machine into
overdrive for the 2016 presidential election. They predicted a landslide victory
for Hillary Clinton since they were confident that they'd buried Donald Trump.
They had also poured gallons of ink into reconstructing Clinton's resume to make
her seem presidential. She could not lose.
"God bless the America we are trying to create."
– Hillary Clinton
When Donald Trump "trumped Clinton," the liberal media went ballistic! They
spent over four years discrediting his economic and foreign policy successes
while trying to impeach him. But they failed to perceive the rebirth of American
patriotism he had created. With a booming economy, China on bended knees, the
best employment numbers in decades, the stock market on steroids, and rogue
nations cooling their heals, the media received a satanic gift in the pandemic
to stop his reelection.
When the primaries began and Biden was the last man out, the media reported, due
to his age and his mental status, he was unfit to be in the race. They suggested
he had dementia. They ridiculed his lack of mental acuity; his inability to
articulate, and his loss of memory. But when Democrats discovered they had no
other option to run against Trump, they told the liberal media to "cool it". And
magically, the media changed their opinion of Biden – and he became a world
class genius.

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top of second column] |

After Biden won the primary, the media remarked,
Trump's stamina and energy was unnatural and showed he was “crazy”,
“unhinged,” and too “sick” to be reelected. This continued until
Trump took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment on his own and aced the
exam. Yet the media said he cheated on the test?
"When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough."
– Donald Trump When the New York Post broke the
story about emails on Hunter Biden's computer from Ukrainian Burisma,
thanking Hunter for the meeting with his "father", and one
indicating Hunter was receiving $10 million annually from a Chinese
billionaire, the left called out the troops! Liberal reporters
claimed the Post was passing on fabricated information to discredit
Biden and help Donald Trump win the election. Biden told a reporter,
"That's BS! I oughta take you outside for saying that!”
The liberal media began pumping out "process stories" about The
Post's credibility. Tech giants spurred by liberal media shut down
the accounts of America’s most-read newspapers to hide the story. In
an unprecedented move, Twitter and Facebook removed posts mentioning
Hunter Biden.
Yet after the election, Hunter Biden's issues with women, taxes,
Russia and China are daily news.
Biden's bumbling, stumbling, and gaffing have become so routine
reporters are helping him answer questions. The media has covered up
Biden’s incoherence and his mental decline for a year. Since Biden
has major problems with cognition, his staff told media to give him
their questions in advance so he can answer them. This happened
after he could not remember the word mandate?
"Voters gave us – uh, uh – what’s another name for our platform? I
think its, uh – a Manifesto?”
– Joe Biden
Since day one, Joe Biden has trouble walking up the steps of Air
Force One. He forgets names, dates and events. His days are short
and his attention span is even shorter. He rarely has a press
conference and can't speak without a script. Sky News reported, at
the recent G-7 summit, Biden spoke incomplete sentences, had
cognitive freezes, slurred his words and embarrassed America.
Not too many years ago, objectivity was the gold standard in
reporting, even in a divided political arena. Slanting the news was
politically acceptable, but withholding important news from the
public when it could have a serious effect upon their lives was
unthinkable! Not reporting news you don't want people to read or
reporting lies and half truths is the worst punishable offense in

George Orwell told us, "The great enemy of language is insincerity."
Years ago, media abdicated its position as a watchdog over the
people's government. To ignore Biden's lies about his work in Civil
Rights, a bill he wrote to stop school busing, and the 1994 Violent
Crime Act that today impedes prison reform can be forgiven. But to
cover up a president's inability to perform his elective duties when
he has a VP who has proven she cannot lead is betraying journalism's
most sanctified oath!
When media refuses to serve the people, it cannot be trusted!
"Media bias in editorials and columns is one thing. Media fraud in
reporting facts in news stories is something else. The issue is not
what various journalists or news organizations' editorial views are.
The issue is the transformation of news reporting into ideological
spin with self-serving taboos and outright fraud."
– Thomas Sowell |