Now that former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan has been
replaced by a successor, state Rep. Emanuel “Chris” Welch, there is hope for the
state rated as second-most corrupt in the nation.
Welch has indicated he will back some ethics reforms that should give
Illinoisans hope for improved transparency and accountability in Springfield.
One of his goals is to pass an ethics reform package before the General Assembly
adjourns in May, according to the Chicago Tribune.
That’s a solid goal, considering the state’s notorious past and inability to fix
the problems while Madigan was in office.

Illinois was ranked as the second-most corrupt state in the nation from 1976
through 2019, and the most corrupt among the top 10 largest states since Madigan
was elected speaker in 1983, based on data on federal corruption convictions
from the U.S. Department of Justice. And that data does not account for the most
recent incidents in Illinois, such as the federal investigation that directly
led to Madigan’s ouster as speaker, resignation from the House and as chairman
of the Democratic Party of Illinois.
After several corruption indictments, some targeting members of the General
Assembly, the legislature established the Joint Commission on Ethics and
Lobbying Reform in 2019. That commission was supposed to put out a report
recommending changes to Illinois’ existing ethics laws by March 31, 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic derailed those efforts, and the commission has yet to
publish a report. Welch nevertheless suggested the commission’s work would be
incorporated into any ethics reform package, but without a report to review it
is difficult to know what that might entail.
To achieve meaningful reform, Illinois needs to (1) empower the watchdog charged
with holding lawmakers accountable for wrongdoing; (2) improve transparency by
improving financial disclosures from lawmakers; (3) prohibit members of the
General Assembly from working as lobbyists to executive agencies and local
governments; (4) require a cooling off period before lawmakers can become
lobbyists to the General Assembly after leaving office.
1. Empower the Legislative Inspector General
In a state mired in corruption, it makes no sense that the watchdogs entrusted
to hold lawmakers accountable must first seek approval from a commission made up
of lawmakers. But the Legislative Inspector General tasked with investigating
ethics complaints against members of the General Assembly must get approval from
the Legislative Ethics Commission to open investigations, to issue subpoenas,
and, in most cases, to publish summary reports, even when she has found a case
of wrongdoing. And with the commission made up of four Democratic and four
Republican lawmakers, a party-line vote can block any action by the Legislative
Inspector General.

Former Legislative Inspector General Julie Porter testified about that problem
in 2020 before the Commission on Lobbying and Ethics Reform. She said the
legislative ethics commission had killed an investigation into “serious
wrongdoing” by a sitting lawmaker. Even if she had completed the investigation,
the Legislative Ethics Commission could refuse to allow her to publish her
findings. In fact, the Legislative Ethics Commission refused to publish two
founded reports out of the five the inspector general requested in 2019.
It is impossible to know what those reports would have revealed, but lawmakers
should not be able to block investigations of complaints or publication of
summary reports regarding their colleagues in the General Assembly. The
Legislative Inspector General should be permitted to open investigations into
complaints, issue subpoenas for evidence and publish founded summary reports
without requiring approval from the lawmakers on the Legislative Ethics
Commission. There is a bill in the House of Representatives that would do just
that. House Bill 2774, introduced by state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Northbrook,
empowers the Legislative Inspector General with the independence she needs to
hold Illinois lawmakers accountable.
2. Improve financial disclosure requirements for lawmakers
Despite the fact Illinois lawmakers are among the highest paid
in the country, Illinois is still considered a part-time legislature, and many
members of the General Assembly have outside sources of income. At the same
time, Illinois ethics rules on lawmaker conflicts of interest lack any
enforcement mechanism, leaving them on the honor system for recusing themselves
from voting in the case of a conflict of interest. Meanwhile, Madigan’s legacy
includes using his legislative power and outsized influence to benefit clients
and associates.
And while lawmakers are required to file what is called a “statement of economic
interest,” the disclosures required are so lax the sheets are often known as
“none sheets” for the answers most often given on the forms. Welch described the
disclosure form as it currently stands as a “worthless piece of document.”
Given the state’s history of corruption and the lack of teeth in the ethics
requirements, the public should know more about lawmakers’ assets in addition to
the currently required capital gains information, all outside sources of income
rather than only specified sources in the current form, significant creditors
and all lobbying relationships so voters can make the call if they perceive a
conflict of interest. These should also apply to the filer’s close family
members so that filers cannot get around the enhanced disclosure requirements.
Adding family would give a fuller picture of potential conflicts, unlike current
disclosure requirements.
For example, former state Rep. Edward Acevedo, D-Chicago, co-sponsored and voted
for the ComEd-backed Future Energy Jobs Act in December 2016 while his son’s
lobbying company, Apex Strategy, had a contract with ComEd in 2015 for
“government relations services.” Acevedo never revealed the conflict of interest
related to the bill. He and his sons are now under federal indictment for tax
invasion as part of the ComEd lobbying investigation, with the sons pleading
“not guilty” on March 3. The ethical rule that lawmakers should disclose and
recuse themselves in the case of conflicts of interest is a mere suggestion, but
Acevedo was not required to reveal his familial conflict. That needs to change.
[ to
top of second column] |

Disclosures can exempt certain personal
information, such as the value and location of primary personal
residences, to protect privacy while still giving the public a
better picture of where any given lawmaker’s financial interests
lie. Lawmakers should then be held accountable by both the public
and the press when they put their own interests before the interests
of their constituents.
Two bills that would enhance financial disclosure
requirement are House Bill 3751, sponsored by state Rep. Mark
Batinick, R-Plainfield, and Senate Bill 1597, sponsored by state
Sen. Jacqueline Collins, D-Chicago. These bills would require
lawmakers to disclose the business associations, sources of income,
securities and real estate assets, and significant creditors for the
filer and their immediate family members, providing exemptions for
personal matters such as primary personal residences.
3. End lawmaker lobbying
There is nothing in Illinois law preventing lawmakers from being
employed as lobbyists to local governments or state agencies. This
needs to change. The lobbying profession is inherently susceptible
to fostering conflicts of interest between lawmakers and voters –
lobbyists are hired to promote the particular interests of their
clients through legislation, but legislators are elected to promote
the broader interests of their constituents.
The charges against former state Rep. Luis Arroyo illustrate how the
interests of clients can drive a lobbyist to unethical behavior.
Arroyo was employed as a lobbyist to the city of Chicago, and in
2019 he was charged with attempting to bribe a state senator to
benefit one of his clients. This behavior is, of course, already
illegal, but it is an extreme example of the temptation that
lawmaker lobbyists face to put the interests of their clients above
those of the general public.

Moreover, lobbying local governments can itself create conflicts,
given the many issues of local importance that state lawmakers vote
on. When a state lawmaker lobbies a local government for a client,
the members of that body know the lawmaker might be voting on
measures that will affect the municipality. This gives the
appearance of lawmakers using their special clout as state
legislators to influence the passage of ordinances and regulations.
And when, for example, municipal or regulatory issues come before
the General Assembly, lawmaker lobbyists are in the position of
potentially casting a vote to curry favor with government entities
they hope to sway to benefit their clients.
Members of the General Assembly should not be employed as lobbyists
of state or local government bodies during their tenure in office.
Barring this practice through statute will give the public
confidence that lawmakers are looking out for public interests, and
it will ensure that lawmakers avoid even the appearance of a
conflict of interest. The city of Chicago has already taken this
step, prohibiting members of the General Assembly from lobbying the
city. The state should follow the city’s lead and bar its
legislators from lobbying all local governments and state executive
House Bill 3664, introduced by state Rep. Anne Stava-Murray,
D-Naperville, would do just that. This bill would similarly ban
members of the General Assembly from being paid to lobby officials
of any unit of local government or executive branch officials,
making a violation a Class A misdemeanor.
4. Stop the revolving door
The problem of lawmakers taking employment to lobby governments does
not end when that lawmaker leaves office. A member of the General
Assembly can leave office one day, and start lobbying former
colleagues the next day. The advantages to lobbying firms are clear:
ex-lawmakers will often have more influence with current lawmakers.
More than that, when a lawmaker leaves office to immediately become
a lobbyist, it gives the appearance that current lawmakers might
take legislative action to gain favor with their future employers.
Most states require a “cooling off” period between the time a
lawmaker leaves office and when that former lawmaker can accept
employment as a lobbyist. Typically, states require lawmakers to
wait one or two years before they become lobbyists, but restrictions
can range from six months to six years. As of 2019, Illinois was one
of only 14 states that do not require any cooling off period.
Illinois should join the majority and pass a revolving door law in
line with the rest of the country.

Legislation recently filed would do that. House Bill 3486, also
introduced by Stava-Murray, would require lawmakers and other
statewide officials and heads of executive agencies to wait for two
years before going to work as a lobbyist.
With new leadership in the Illinois General Assembly comes the
opportunity to address ethics reform – a goal that leaders such as
Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Welch and Senate President Don Harmon have
publicly supported.
To change the culture of corruption in Illinois, lawmakers should
empower corruption watchdogs such as the Legislative Inspector
General, improve transparency through enhanced financial disclosures
for lawmakers, and reform the practice of lobbying by banning
lawmaker lobbying of other governmental entities and establishing a
cooling off period before members of the General Assembly pass
through the revolving door from lawmaker to lobbyist. Those four
reforms would put Illinois on a better footing with voters and might
allow it to improve from second-most corrupt.
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