Easterseals Central Illinois is proud to offer multidisciplinary,
family centered care for children with developmental delays,
disabilities and other special needs. Our experts are excited to
offer a series of sessions that are designed to support families and
professionals in several different areas. These trainings are for
professionals, caregivers, community members or anyone interested in
child development in general.
“This year our trainings are all being held virtually, which makes
them even more accessible to our community and the families who need
them the most. The great thing about these trainings is that they
would be useful to any caregiver, not just someone caring for a
child with autism” said Angie DeLost, Vice President of Program
Services at Easterseals Central Illinois. “Our expert team is
excited to share useful strategies that can improve the day-to-day
lives of children and families. This is what they do every day in
therapy, but these virtual trainings are letting them share their
knowledge far and wide.”

Training Schedule:
Autism and Sensory Processing - Tuesday, April 6th at 7pm
Promoting Positive Food Experiences for your selective eater: A
sensory-based approach – Wednesday, April 7th at 6pm
Autism New Diagnosis Orientation Training (Autism 101) –
Wednesday April 14th at 5:30pm
How to teach appropriate behaviors –Thursday, April 15th at Noon
Self-Care for the Whole Family – Wednesday April 21st at Noon
Autism New Diagnosis Orientation Training (Autism 101) –
Wednesday April 28th 5:30-7pm
Visit eastersealsci.com/2021trianings or call (309)686-1177
Autism and Sensory Processing
Tuesday April 6th at 7:00pm
Join us to get a better understanding of sensory processing disorder
and how to help children who struggle with sensory processing
Hosted by: Meghan Day, MOT, OTR/L
Attendees will learn about sensory processing and all 8 sensory
systems. This training will cover sensory processing disorder and
the various subtypes of sensory processing disorder. Each subtype
will be discussed in detail including symptoms, behaviors associated
with each subtype along with general intervention strategies. We
will also look at how to use sensory tools and strategies to support
children with encountering sensory challenges in their daily
routines. This training is for parents, caregivers, teachers, other
professionals and anyone involved in or interested in the care of
children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder
Promoting Positive Food Experiences for your selective Eater: A
Sensory-Based Approach
Wednesday, April 7th at 6:00pm
Hosted by: Alyssa Huschen, MOT, OTR/L and Michelle Bognanno, MA,
Join us to learn how to make mealtimes more positive, productive and
fun for the whole family
[to top of second column] |

You are not alone in dealing with a selective eater at home! Many
parents encounter children with difficult feeding patterns, making
mealtime a stressful experience for the whole family. This training
helps parents and caregivers understand why their child may struggle
to eat a variety of foods, and that they are not responsible for
creating the problem. Attendees will leave with an understanding of
how to make mealtimes more positive, productive and fun for the
whole family
Autism New Diagnosis Orientation Training
Two Options: Wednesday April 14th & Wednesday April 28th from
Hosted by: Jennifer Simpson, B.S., Manager of Care Coordination and
Family Support
The Autism New Diagnosis Orientation (Autism 101) is designed to
assist parents, extended family and friends in understanding Autism
Spectrum Disorders -ASD.
Designed to be the first step in the family’s journey to secure
introductory ASD information, the program will benefit any family
with a child who has been recently diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum
Disorder. During the session, parents, family and friends of a child
who has been recently diagnosed with ASD will learn:
What Autism Spectrum Disorders are and how they affect individuals.
What types of interventions are available for Autism Spectrum
What community resources are available for parents, families and
professionals living/working with individuals with ASD.

How to Teach Appropriate Behaviors
Thursday, April 15th at Noon
Hosted by: Megan McNamara, M.S., BCBA and Mariela Munguia, M.S.,
Join us to learn how to teach appropriate behaviors when problems
This training will go over strategies and techniques that attendees
can easily implement in their daily lives. Attendees will also learn
about functions of behavior, how to identify functions, strategies
of reinforcement and receiving functional communication training.
Self-Care for the Whole Family
Wednesday, April 21st at Noon
Hosted by: Maggie Jones, LCSW Counselor
Join us to learn some practical self-care strategies you and your
family can use every day
Self-care is essential for good mental health. Children and adults
participating in this training will learn the importance of
self-care and some practical strategies. This training is designed
for children, parents, grandparents, caregivers
[Megan Pedigo
Director of Marketing
Easterseals Central Illinois] |