State lawmakers take a break
The Illinois state legislature is on Spring Break for the next
few weeks, but there are still some virtual committee hearings.
The Senate this afternoon will hold a virtual hearing about
redrawing legislative boundaries for Kankakee and Will Counties.
The House committee for K-12 appropriations this morning held a
subject matter hearing on a variety of subjects involving
student social, emotional learning and other issues.
Illinois lawmakers look to remove mandatory sentence
enhancements for gun crimes
Illinois lawmakers are looking at removing some mandatory
sentence enhancements for gun crimes by giving a judge
discretion over whether to tack on more than a decade in prison
for gun-related felonies.
Supporters say there are too many circumstances where someone is
convicted to a sentence that’s more severe than the crime they
Republicans opposed the measure, pointing to possibly reducing
punishments for gun crimes.
Illinois counties with enough supply could offer people 16
and older COVID-19 vaccines
With COVID-19 cases on the rise and demand decreasing for
vaccines in several Illinois counties, the Illinois Department
of Public Health is authorizing counties to begin vaccinating
anyone 16 and older.
For now, it is up to each health department to decide if they
will expand eligibility, and the state is advising residents to
check with their local health department on their eligibility
Group hopes to keep nuclear plants open
A group hoping to move Illinois toward more clean energy will
unveil their plans today that include keeping the state's
nuclear facilities open.
Climate Jobs Illinois and several lawmakers will introduce the
Climate Union Jobs Act.
They say it would put union laborers to work building a 100
percent clean energy economy.
Secretary of State asks people to use online features
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White wants you to stay home.
White says cyber drive Illinois dot com can handle nearly any
service request and he hopes people will use it before crowding
into one of the state's facilities.
He also announced another extension of expired or expiring
driver's licenses to Aug. 1.
IDOT warns about motorcycle safety
Temperatures are climbing and motorcycles are on the roads.
The Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois State
Police are reminding drivers to look twice for bikes and for
riders to wear high-visibility clothing, eye protection, and to
never drink and ride.
