The resurrection of Jesus creates joy in our
hearts but it didn’t start that way. That first Easter morning
Jesus’ followers were grieving, heartbroken, afraid, and filled with
all sorts of doubts.
We are told in John 20 when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb she
looked inside and saw two angels dressed in white seated where
Jesus’ body had been. Then they ask her, “Woman, why are you
crying?” (John 20:11-13). She is upset, heartbroken, and devastated
that Jesus is dead and now gone. The angels know what she does not -
Jesus is alive. She runs back to tell the others but fear has
gripped their hearts too.
Scripture tells us the disciples were so afraid they locked the
doors where they were staying due to fear (John 20:19). No, that
first Easter was not a time of celebration, joy, or hope - it was
actually just the opposite. For those closest to Jesus it was a time
of fear.

Then there’s the Apostle Thomas who we are told in John 20 was not
present when Jesus appeared to the other disciples. When he hears
from them that Jesus is alive and has risen from the dead he says,
“Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where
the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe
it” (John 20:25). And it is this account of Thomas that reminds us
that the first Easter was not just a time of fear, but also doubt.
Does fear stand between you and the risen Christ – fear of cancer,
fear of loneliness, fear of failure, fear of financial problems,
fear of the unknown, fear of death? Are you trying to hide, pretend,
keep busy, or build false security in order to handle your fear?
[to top of second column] |

Do you struggle with doubt? Satan, just as he did in
the Garden of Eden, loves to raise doubts about God and faith. We
have many skeptics in our modern age. And many of them question God,
the Bible, the resurrection and Christian values. Many people
struggle with doubt today. Like Thomas many want concrete proof or
they will not believe.
But just as Jesus did then, He does today. He conquers our doubts
and fears. He comes right through the locked doors of our hearts and
says, “Peace be with you!” He shows us His hands and side as we read
His Word. He gives us His real presence in communion and through
fellowship with other believers. He comes to us and encourages us to
“stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27).
And as He forgives our fears, our doubts, and our unbelief He says,
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John
And because of His grace and mercy we are able to confess as Thomas,
“My Lord and my God (John 20:28).
And with fear banished and doubt eliminated we can go forward to
complete Christ’s mission of sharing the Good News of the gospel -
Jesus’ life, death, burial, and resurrection.
Christ is risen - He is risen indeed.
[Michael V. Mallick
Sr. Minister @ JeffStreet
Jefferson Street Christian Church
1700 N. Jefferson St.