“A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no
respect for himself.”
– William Hazlitt
Recently when angry Democrats attacked U.S. Sen. Tim Scott for claiming that
America was not a racist nation, little did they know they did that on the 65th
anniversary of “The Southern Manifesto?”
In 1954, when the Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Board of Education and
outlawed segregation in schools, Southern Democrats began a massive campaign to
defy this! President Eisenhower’s Republican Congress responded by passing the
1957 Civil Rights Act to enforce the Court’s decision.
The day Republicans filed the Civil Rights Act, Southern Democrats wrote a
rebuttal named “The Southern Manifesto.” This was a show of unity against
Eisenhower and the Republicans attempts to enforce desegregation. This credo
accused the Supreme Court of “abuse of power" and to use "all means” to reverse
Brown v. Education. This solidified the Democrats stand against Brown v.
Education and their defiance to future desegregation. One hundred Southern
Democrats signed it.
Howard Smith of Virginia, chairman of the House Rules
Committee, was the key segregationist in the lower chamber to lobby Democrats to
support The Southern Manifesto. Under Smith, the Rules Committee became the
graveyard for every civil rights initiative in the 1950s. Smith declared, “The
state ship has ‘drifted from her moorings,’ and the high court’s record on civil
rights demonstrates it will continue to deviate from the core fundamental
separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution.”
House Republicans passed Eisenhower’s Civil Rights bill 286-126 and Senate
Republicans 72-18. But Lyndon Johnson was ordered to destroy it by Senate
Democrats. He and Georgia’s Richard Russell and Mississippi’s James Eastland
“gutted the bill.” But the Republicans salvaged one key element: “they ended
segregation in public schools and federal troops had authority to enforce it.”
The 1964 Civil Rights Act, a carbon copy of the 1957 bill, passed with 60% of
the Democrats and 78% of the Republicans voting yes. But Democrats in the
Senate, led by and William Fulbright and Robert Byrd, claimed it violated the
Southern Manifesto and destroyed the South’s “social order and racial impurity.”
They filibustered it for 83 days before Republicans finally got the bill to the
Despite a huge Democratic majority, Republicans outvoted Democrats by 20% in
passing The 1965 Voting Rights Act. Democrats, led by Robert Byrd, filibustered
it. He told Congress he’d take every possible measure to protect The Southern
Manifesto. Although LBJ was under pressure from Civil Rights leaders to pass
this bill, he failed to gain support from many key Democrats. “A
president is like a jackass stuck in the rain. All you can do is let s*** hit
your a** and take it.”
– Lyndon Johnson

When Robert Byrd introduced The Southern Manifesto in the Senate, he said, “The
Constitution nor does the 14th Amendment or any other amendment mention anything
about schools. The debates preceding the 14th Amendment clearly showed that
education would be maintained by the states.”
Democrats used the Southern Manifesto to garner resistance to the Brown decision
in their local districts. They mobilized en masse to nullify the Supreme Court’s
decision. In the states across the South, Democrats used public funds to set up
private white-only schools. Prince Edward County, Virginia, closed their entire
public school system for five years rather than desegregate.
“If there was ever a Senator who was the embodiment of his state, it was Robert
C. Byrd.”
– Joe Biden
In 1995, Bill Clinton praised his political mentor William Fulbright for making
our country and our world better. “In the work he did, the words he spoke, and
the life he lived, he stood tall against the 20th century’s most destructive
forces and fought to advance America’s brightest hopes.”
[ to
top of second column] |

President Joe Biden speaks during the 59th Presidential Inauguration
at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021.
Patrick Semansky
Bill Clinton’s mentor was one of the authors of the
Southern Manifesto. He was also a leader in the Democratic
filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights
Act of 1965. Although Fulbright finally renounced his racist past,
he said he had no regrets for anything he did in politics.
“You know Republicans make an effort to disenfranchise people of
color like you.” – Hillary Clinton
In the 1960s, when it was clear the Supreme Court would not reverse
Brown, Southern Manifesto signatories shifted strategies by
embracing their own mutated version of it. They contended that Brown
mandated “colorblind” policies. Therefore, Brown forbade districts
from voluntarily striving for meaningful integration if they
considered the race of individual students in pursuing that goal?

When he was running for president in 2000, Al Gore told the NAACP
that his father, Al Gore Sr., lost his Senate seat because he voted
for the Civil Rights Act. The inconvenient truth is, Gore Sr. voted
against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 24th Amendment that
abolished the charging of poll taxes. He lost his 1970 race due to
his positions on prayer in schools and on the Vietnam War.
Al Gore’s reframing of the pertinent history of the Democratic Party
in microcosm is just a repeat performance of what Democrats have
sedulously been doing with their party’s history for decades. You
can rewrite history but you can’t erase it.
“A zebra does not change its spots.” (Al Gore)
Democrats have hidden Biden’s role in fighting student busing since
the left resurrected him for office. When his past work with
segregationists, many whom signed The Southern Manifesto, made
headlines, Biden’s spokesman, Bill Russo defended him. “He never
thought busing was the best way to integrate schools in Delaware. He
felt that busing would not achieve equal opportunity.”
Yet, according to civil rights lawyer Jack Greenberg, Biden fought
for the segregationists and sided with them on issues affecting
school systems that separated students by race. Biden sponsored an
amendment to an appropriations bill that barred the federal
government from withholding funding from schools that didn’t
“You’ve got to deal with what’s in
front of you.”
– Joe Biden
Author Toba Beta wrote “Hypocrisy insults intelligence.” On the 65th
anniversary of the Southern Manifesto, Democrats celebrated by
“attacking Senator Tim Scott (R) with racist epithets” after he said
that America was not a racist country. Democrats forget that they
didn't elect a black senator until 1994. Yet Mississippi elected
their first black senator, Hiram Revels, a Republican, in 1970.
The New South is socioeconomicly color-blind. Democrats and
Republicans did not switch sides on race. The more Republican the
South became, the less racist it became. The eras of Democratic
segregation and racism are over. The left must accept its past and
quit trying to reinvent history. It's time Democrats quit using race
to foment hatred against the GOP when racism is a factual part of
their ugly historic past.
“Hypocrisy is the ultimate power move. It is a way of demonstrating
that one plays by a different set of rules from the ones adhered to
by other people.”
Michael Shellenberger
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