Ruth Sloot, former President of the Lincoln club
and of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs District 17, will
conduct the installation, after which outgoing President Judy Rader
will hand the gavel to incoming President Darla Rohrer.
Two long-term members will be honored at the meeting, which takes
place at 1:00 pm at the Lincoln Banquet Center. Carol Schwantz will
be awarded her 50-year pin, and the 100th birthday of Burnetta DePuy
will be celebrated. Emma Buenrostro of Mt. Pulaski, winner of the
Lincoln Woman's Club Scholarship, will be Introduced. Members will
hear reports on two recent projects -- graduation signs and the
garage sale.
Hostesses for the meeting are Marcia May, Sue Beaver, Marcia
Howen and Patti Becker. Greeters are Membership Chair Ellen Dobihal and
Treasurer Terri McDowell. Second Vice-President Cindy Aussieker will lead the
devotions. Marcia Howen will conduct the raffle of prizes donated by Susan
Rohrer and Jan Villareal.
Members are asked to bring plastic bags for the Humane Society.
[Lynn Spellman]
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