voted no tonight on the infrastructure bill which enables the
Democrats to ram through their reckless tax and spending agenda
using reconciliation. Given the reconciliation process initiated
by President Biden and Speaker Pelosi at the behest of Senator
Sanders and the radical progressive wing of the Democrat party,
the reality remains that the infrastructure bill and
reconciliation package are linked and cannot be viewed
separately. A vote for the infrastructure bill is a vote that
paves the way for an extreme reconciliation spending bill that
includes crippling tax hikes that will kill American jobs and
send them overseas, hammer small businesses as they struggle to
recover from COVID-19, and worsen the labor shortage while
driving up inflation on working families.
"If Democrats wanted this to be a bipartisan process with robust
debate and input from both parties, they would have brought the
infrastructure bill forward through regular order when it passed
the Senate in August. Instead, they tied the two bills together
to accomplish a radical social agenda that will leave future
generations of taxpayers footing the bill.
"I have consistently advocated for responsible infrastructure
investment in our roads, bridges, inland waterways, and rural
broadband. I will continue to advocate for the transportation
and infrastructure needs of my district, but I will not take
part in helping the Democrats and Speaker Pelosi pass their
irresponsible and partisan reconciliation package."
