Viewers can watch and participate in the
program live on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 7 pm on the
Looking for Lincoln YouTube and Facebook video channels.
Questions can be submitted by viewers during the event.
Ron Keller is an associate professor of history and political
science and the managing director of the Abraham Lincoln Center
for Character Development at Lincoln College. He is a coauthor
of Abraham Lincoln in Logan County, Illinois, 1834–1860 and A
Respect for the Office: Letters from the Presidents. A past
director of the Lincoln Heritage Museum, he serves on the board
of the Abraham Lincoln Association and is an adviser to the
Lincoln Forum.
The program is recorded for viewing after the premier, and is
available on the Looking for Lincoln Facebook and YouTube video
channels. Reservations are not required, and there is no cost to
view the event.
“We are proud to host this series of Looking for Lincoln
conversations,” says Sarah Watson, Executive Director of Looking for
Lincoln. “These live, digital programs cover a range of topics that
depict the life and times of Abraham Lincoln in the Abraham Lincoln
National Heritage Area. Few individuals have so profoundly
influenced American history as did Abraham Lincoln. Millions around
the world are inspired by the story of Lincoln's rise from humble
beginnings to President of the United States, his qualities of
integrity and courage and his decisive leadership traits that
carried a fragile nation through one of its most trying periods.”
These programs are free and broadcast live on Looking for Lincoln’s
Facebook page and YouTube channel, and will end with a question and
answer session with the virtual audience.
The Looking for Lincoln Heritage Coalition is the
coordinating entity for the 43-county Abraham Lincoln National
Heritage Area. It is a partnership of organizations and individuals
dedicated to enhancing the communities and landscapes of central
Illinois through recognition and support of their significant
natural, cultural and historical legacies. Few individuals have so
profoundly influenced American history as did Abraham Lincoln.
Millions around the world are inspired by the story of Lincoln’s
rise from humble beginnings to President of the United States, his
qualities of integrity and courage and his decisive leadership –
traits that carried a fragile nation through one of its most trying
For more information about the Looking for Lincoln Heritage
Coalition and the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area, go to
[Looking for Lincoln Heritage