Last year, there were only a limited number of guests permitted to
attend the annual ceremony. This year the event was opened to all
and the room was filled with people there to honor and acknowledge
the sacrifices of our military men and women.

The morning began with a call to order and opening prayer by Pastor
Larry Crawford of Open Arms Fellowship Church. The Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag was recited followed by the singing of the
National Anthem by local vocalist Lesleigh Bennett.
Before the prayer, Nelson acknowledged guests in the room including
Senior Vice for American Legion Post 263 Gene Hickey, Senior Vice of
the Marine Corps League 1336 Bill Stauffer; Past Department
Commander for the VFW, Vince Long; Deputy Chief of Staff for the
Illinois State Commander, Michelle Ramlow; VFW Auxiliary President
Lois Allen, American Legion Auxiliary Secretary Stephanie Prather,
and Past Department President for the VFW Auxiliary, Janet Long.

He also acknowledged the American Legion Post 263 Color Guard and
the Patriot Guard that provided the flags outside the building.
Nelson delivered a history of Veteran’s Day and also a short speech.
He began with a review of the history of veteran’s days starting
with a designated day called Armistice Day that was declared after
World War I. Later in history, after the country had fought the
Second World War and the Korean Conflict, the day was officially
renamed Veteran’s Day in 1954.
Veteran’s Day is a traditional eleventh month,
eleventh day and eleventh hour observance. However, Nelson recounted
that in 1968 that a bill that was meant to offer three day weekends
to federal employees included moving Veteran’s Day to the fourth
Monday of October.
[to top of second column] |

This was met with resistance by several states who
refused to observe the new Veteran’s Day. On that first year of the
changed date there was a great deal of confusion on October 25,
In 1975, President Gerald Ford signed a law returning Veteran’s day
to its original observance date on November 11th.
Nelson reminded the audience that while Memorial Day is intended as
a day to honor and remember those who gave their lives in service,
Veteran’s Day is meant to be a day of honoring those still standing
after having served their country.
Nelson noted that for many American’s Veterans Day is just another
day or a day on holiday. It doesn’t resonate with those people the
deep meaning of the day. However, he noted that there are those who
do know the significance and the importance of observing Veteran’s
Day in the proper fashion and those are the people who gather today
all around the country to honor, thank and remember the many
American Heroes who have answered the call of whenever, wherever to
defend the freedoms of their country.
When Nelson was finished, Linda Barrick representing the VFW
Auxiliary and Stephanie Prather representing the American Legion
Auxiliary presented the laying of the wreath.

The three shot volley was then delivered by the American Legion
Color Guard and taps was played.
At the close of the ceremony, Pastor Crawford returned to the podium
for the benediction.

All guests were invited to stay for the traditional ham and bean
lunch after the ceremony.
[Nila Smith] |