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Op-Ed: Will the Left self-destruct before next election?

[The Center Square] William Haupt III

"There is much to repair, much to restore and much to heal, and it all starts today." Joe Biden

When President Joe Biden, a self-proclaimed moderate and defender of bipartisanship, gave his inaugural speech, he promised to unite the nation and solve our problems at home and abroad. He vowed to govern for "everyone," even those who did not vote for him. He said: "I will govern as an American.”

During the 2020 primaries, liberals supported progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg. They had no use for veteran Joe Biden, who helped deregulate banks, voted to invade Iraq, adopted welfare reform, and passed the strict 1994 criminal justice bill.

But when the 78-year-old Biden chose progressive Kamala Harris as a running mate, the far left got excited. A day after he put "heir apparent Harris" on the ticket, Biden's platform took a non-Biden turn to the progressive left in support of policies that were more leftist than those proposed by Barack Obama.

“I have always said, what Washington needs most is adult supervision" – Barack Obama

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D. NY, who was elected to the House in 1980, embraced the mantle of a "law-and-order Democrat" when he ran for the Senate in 1998. The self-described "centrist," who was once derided for being close to Wall Street, now boasts he has stood up to the financial industry. He insists his views have only shifted to reflect his newly developed progressive-era constituency.

In his first speech as Senate Majority Leader, Schumer boasted, "The threat to our democracy from the presidency has ended." He proudly announced that with Joe Biden in office and him as head of the Senate, "The chamber will be run more fairly and efficiently now that Democrats are in charge."

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's far left evolution has been a work in progress. Although she has represented the most liberal district in California for three decades, it was not until George Bush was elected in 2000 that she became “toxic and polarizing." She once remarked that George Bush was incompetent.

"When are people going to realize that Bush is the emperor that has no clothes?" – Nancy Pelosi

With the election of Barack Obama, Pelosi adopted Obama's ambitious far left platform and set out to make the impossible possible. Although Obama's mandate came from voters, it was up to Pelosi to implement it. She squeaked Obama's Affordable Care Act through the House, assuring abortion zealots that Sen. Harry Reid planned to include federal abortion funding during reconciliation.

As Democratic House leader, Pelosi was Donald Trump's obstructionist. She cut back the funding for Trump's border wall and won huge gains for the left in the 2017 budget. She derailed Speaker Paul Ryan's health care bill, led two impeachments of Trump and abused every conceivable legal tactic to stop Ryan's agenda. She also helped progressives take control of the House in 2018.

But even Pelosi toned down the rhetoric when Joe Biden was elected. She said, "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be strong Democratic leaders and undo the damage done by Donald Trump and work with the Republicans. This is the dawning of a day of new hope for America.”

At 78, Biden has a short memory. The day he entered the oval office, Biden forgot his promise to unify the nation and his pledge for bipartisanship. Determined to nullify every action that Trump took, Biden signed 22 executive orders his first week, more than any other president.

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Since taking office, Biden reversed most of Trump's policies by executive order and set a heavy-handed progressive tone in Washington. But Biden is not the only one with a short memory. Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, and Kamala Harris strong-armed a progressive aid bill through Congress without one Republican vote.

”In a time of crisis we do what we have to do." – Charles Schumer

Biden’s sharp turn to the left and his lack of bipartisanship has caught up with him. Last week, a new Gallup poll showed his approval rating dropped to 42%. The poll revealed that 52% of those surveyed disapproved of Biden's job as president, while 6% had no opinion. This is congruent with the latest CNBC-All America Economic Survey, which revealed Biden’s approval rating is at 41%.

Biden's problems are contagious and "there is trouble in paradise." The leaders of the Progressive Caucus are unhappy with the House and Senate leadership, and Biden's inability to pursue a more progressive agenda. Their wish list includes: all mail-in voting, packing the court, forgiving student loans, punishing wealth tax increases, single payer health care, state teaching of CRT and more.

The cacophony of leftist discord emanates from the socialist-progressive "Hit Squad", Ilhan Omar, D-MN, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, Rashida Tlaib, D-MI, and Ayanna Pressley, D-MS. Since 2019, these women have been the agitating, subversive voice of the Democratic Party, with antics on the House floor that resemble a poor imitation of Chuck Barris' ignominious Gong Show.

Rep. Conor Lamb, D-PA, recently told The New York Times that his constituents "are extremely frustrated by the message of defunding the police and banning fracking." But progressive Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Cal., said, "Although Biden did not campaign on an all progressive agenda, we helped to elect him." She said progressives felt he chose progressive Kamala Harris to pursue their agenda.

Obama's top economic advisor, Larry Summers, criticized Biden's managing of the economy. In an interview with the Washington Post, Summers said Biden's spending plan was too political and not drafted to satisfy economic requirements. "Biden is courting economic disaster. This spending can trigger the highest inflation in more than half a century and hurt the Democrats." – Larry Summers

Former Bill Clinton adviser Naomi Wolf says that the country is "moving towards a police state" and she regrets voting for Biden. In a New York Times op-ed, Mark Penn, a key Clinton strategist, wrote: "Democrats must learn from their losses in Virginia and their narrow gubernatorial victory in liberal New Jersey," that suburban Americans don't support the Democrats' progressive policies.

When George H.W. Bush said there will be no tax increase, "Read my lips," Bill Clinton discredited his integrity and won the next election. We are reliving Clinton's déjà vu as we see the Democratic Party implode while voters take out their frustrations with Democrats and Biden in state elections.

During his first term in office, with his poll numbers failing, Bill Clinton ditched the liberal left in favor of a more moderate agenda and won easily in 1996. But that was then and this is now. There is no forgiveness in the woke world. Will they make an exception for Joe Biden?

"So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot." – George Orwell

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