[October 01, 2021]
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The Lincoln Community High School
Class of 1955 held its 66th reunion on Route 66 on Saturday, Sept ,
2021. The luncheon took place at the American Legion. |


Class members, spouses and
friends attending included: Madeline Bunjes, Pat Kelly, Barb
Mckinney, JoAnne Marlin, Marty Neitzel, Jim and Peggy Thornton, Gene
and Carol Liesman, David and Nancy Goldhammer, Annie Boyer, Ray
Vonderahe, Jennie Mount, Shirley Williamson, Gail Williamson, Tony
Danosky, Gloria Craig, Ken Bradley, Brenda Hurt, Carolyn Webster,
Myra Kelley, Wayne Schahl, Richard and Mary Ellen Martin, Don and
Donna Hellman.
Absent were: Dennis Brown, Darwin Shroyer and Glenna Bradley.

Classmate JoAnne Marlin brought her beanie that all freshman were
required to wear in school to identify them as freshmen. Beanies
were a popular cap for decades used by schools and clubs like boy
scouts and girl scouts. |
[Jan Youngquist] |
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