youth development programs provide hands-on learning activities for
youth in Illinois and throughout the country. 4-H youth programs
focus on leadership, citizenship and life skills.
Every county in Illinois has a 4-H program which is operated through
University of Illinois Extension. 4-H club membership is open to
youth ages 8 to 18. Youth 5 to 7 years of age may join the 4-H
Cloverbud program.
Youth may join 4-H clubs, coordinated by local screened adult
volunteers. Each club decides how often it meets, the location of
its meetings and the activities held during the meeting. Members may
select from dozens of project areas to study while they build
leadership, teamwork, cooperation, decision-making and communication
skills. Clubs are currently accepting new members.
Illinois 4-H members prepare for their future by studying careers
related to their 4-H project. They choose from more than 100
projects to study, said Carissa Davis, University of Illinois
Extension Youth Development Educator. The topics range from
rocketry, robotics, computer science, and public speaking to
photography, animal science, nutrition, and more.
4-H also instills a generous spirit in youth, states Lisa Diaz,
University of Illinois Extension assistant dean and state 4-H
director. 4-H members are encouraged to help others in their
communities through the hundreds of service projects conducted by
Illinois 4-H clubs.
4-H club membership is open to youth aged 8 18. Youth 5 to 7 years
of age may join the 4-H Cloverbud program. Contact the Logan County
4-H office for more information at 217-732-8289.

[to top of second column] |

Logan County 4-H Clubs youth can join:
Atlanta Ag 4-H Club & Atlanta Ag Cloverbuds (Atlanta), 3rd Sunday
of month, 3:00PM
Atlanta Town and Country 4-H Club (Atlanta), 1st Monday of the
month, 7:00PM
Beason Ag 4-H Club (Beason), 1st Sunday of the month, 1:30PM
Chester 4-H Club (Lincoln), 3rd Sunday of the month, 2:00PM
Cloverdale 4-H Club (Lincoln), 1st Thursday of the month, 7:00PM

Four Corner Clovers 4-H Club & Four Corner Buddies Cloverbuds
(Lincoln), 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30PM
Hartem Clovers 4-H Club (Emden), 4th Sunday of the month at 3:00PM
Hollanders 4-H Club & Whiz Kids Cloverbuds (New Holland), 3rd
Sunday of the month, 1:00PM
Middletown 4-H Club & Middletown Cloverbuds (Middletown), Sundays
once a month, time varies
Toppers 4-H Club (Mt. Pulaski), 1st Sunday of the month, 1:00PM
About 4-H: Illinois 4-H
strives to help youth learn skills for living. University of
Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in
Illinois. Illinois 4-H aims to impact the lives of 200,000 youth
each year through sustained learning clubs and groups and short-term
For Further Information, Contact: Carissa Davis, Extension Educator,
4-H Youth Development, Logan/Menard/Sangamon Counties (217)732-8289.
[Carissa Davis, Extension Educator,
4-H Youth Development]