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Op-Ed: Biden robs Boomers to finance identity politics

[The Center Square] William Haupt III

"Notice the targets that this generation demonizes. It's about class, not age. It's 1% versus 99%, not young verse old. It's about Occupy Wall Street, not Occupy Leisure World.” – Paul Taylor

Today's progressives have turned their backs on those that led the Democratic Party from the dark ages of slavery and segregation into an era of tolerance and reform of the 1960s. With the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, there was hope that Democrats could distance themselves from their past racial intolerance and political sectionalism. But this leap of faith was short-lived. Instead, they used this time of redemption as an opportunity to blame all Americans for "their sins of the past."

The decades of the 1960s and 70s were dominated by sociopolitical reforms and movements led by the offspring of the most fertile period in U.S. history. Love-starved men and women celebrated the end of the 2nd Great War producing the most dominant and emergent force in America since the Greatest Generation in the early 1900s. These "Baby Boomers" became the most diverse genesis ever conceived. Their legacy will be the largest force for evolutionary change in American history.

By 1964, Baby Boomers were 40% of the population. As children they experienced air-raid drills and the threat of nuclear war. Boomers saw the rise of socialism and the horrors of Communism and appreciated American democracy. They cheered the fall of the Berlin Wall and the USSR. Many fought in unpopular wars. Some died, others evaded the draft, but they all loved America.

They wrote songs against war and social injustice and demanded freedom of speech on college campuses. They marched in the civil rights movement, held protest marches and sit-ins to make society better for America. Boomers brought evolutionary cultural and political change to America.

They knew, "In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first." – Jimi Hendrix

With a mantel of sex, drugs and rock and roll, some lost their way and others built the world's most powerful military and its greatest economy. They made America the guardian of the free world. The Boomers were apprentices for the Silent Generation and made America into a world superpower.

The Generational Power Index, (GPI) developed by Visual Capitalist Data, ranks U.S. generations for their economic, political and cultural influence on American society. They used data from Pew Research Center, the Census, the Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor and other credible sources.

The GPI ranks the economic accomplishments of Baby Boomers, those between the ages of 57-75, as having done more than Millennials, Gen X, and Gen Z combined. Boomers are responsible for 53% of the U.S. wealth and hold more corporate officers than all of other generations combined.

The number of CBOs, presidents of major companies, Fortune 500s, S&P CEOs and other large businesses are dominated by Baby Boomers, with some lingering members of the Silent Gen. The generational share of small business owners and managers is also dominated by Baby Boomers.

Although American small business may not have the same scale of global influence such as large corporations like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Pfizer and IBM, they are an incredibly important part of the U.S. economy. Small businesses make up 99.9% of all U.S. companies, and employ one-third of the nation’s total workforce. They create 39% of all new jobs and account for 48% of the GNP.

America’s balance of economic influence shifts with each generation. The most compelling trend from analyzing the GPI report is the stark difference in wealth trajectories between Boomers and younger generations. When Baby Boomers were as old as today’s Millennials in 1989, they held 21.3% of U.S. economic influence. That’s over four times higher than what Millennials hold today.

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Boomers went to work every day and had families of their own. Many worked two jobs to provide a better life for their children and save for the future. They paid into retirement plans and saved for their old age. They worked through recessions, bad times and good times, knowing someday they could depend on their frugality and investment portfolios to see them through their golden years.

Boomers kept their faith in America when Barrack Obama hijacked their free market health care and cut future Medicare payments in half. They tightened their belts and voted with their wallets.

They replaced the Congress and stopped the blood letting by electing a Boomer, Donald Trump.

"If I were a liberal Democrat, people would say that I am the super genius of all time." – Donald Trump

Due to inflation and increased Obamacare insurance premiums, when the pandemic hit the nation, middle class Boomers averaged $21,000 in total savings, reported by the Economic Policy Institute. By the end of 2020, when the future looked bright again for Boomers, another catastrophe did major damage to the Boomer's future retirement plans. Out -of-touch Joe Biden was elected as president.

Since Biden took office, the Boomers have seen the interest on their retirement accounts go to "zero". Their investment portfolios remain empty, while Biden's irresponsible spending has caused Jimmy Carter-style inflation. And his proposed mammoth tax increase will rob Boomers of what is left of their savings.

"If I am elected, yes, I will increase your taxes, if you are rich." – Joe Biden

In Matthew 7:15-20, we learned, "Beware of false prophets." Biden promised to unite America but divided America. He is robbing the future of Boomers to keep Millennials and identity groups in the progressive flock. In the last decade, progressives have abandoned those who ended the Cold War and segregation. They have annihilated the future of Boomers who invested in America to make it the greatest nation in the world. Now Joe Biden is trying to nail the coffin shut on their retirement.

Boomers are America's most politically diverse generation. This independent, introspective, diverse group did things that no generation did before. They moved to the left and then moved right. Some dropped out, while others stayed in. Many went to universities, others went to work. Some became leaders while the others followed. Some elected the first Catholic and Black presidents and others elected one of their own to make America great again. Boomers wrote their script for themselves.

"When Boomers saw a man walk on the moon, they knew they could do anything." – Jerry Garcia

Regardless of which path Boomers choose, they blazed new trails within America. They brought us social justice, campus free speech, prosperity, and opened the social and cultural doors for many Americans that had been shut out for decades. Boomers not only brought us rock and roll, they also ushered in the age of technology. Now that Boomers are retiring, they wonder what more progressives will take away from their golden years. And what will they do next to the America that they made great?

“From a generation ruled by the Moon to a generation ruled by the Sun, the difference between The Greatest Generation and The Baby Boomers is like night and day.” – Cate East

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