Heartland students named to Phi Theta Kappa honor society
One Logan County student on the list

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[September 09, 2021] 

Phi Theta Kappa has welcomed a new group of Heartland Community College students into the organization’s membership. Thirty-five Heartland students have been named to the international two-year college honor society.

Membership to Phi Theta Kappa is offered to students if they have completed at least 12 credit hours with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Students involved in the organization are afforded unique leadership, service, scholarship, and fellowship opportunities.

The following students accepted membership into the Alpha Omega Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Heartland Community College in the Summer 2021 semester.

Amber Buck, Normal

Makayla Carlson, Normal

Kelaia Claveria, Normal

Alison Eagleton, Normal

Lisa Fite, Pontiac

Lynnsey Friend, Heyworth

Daniel Griner, Gridley

Jonas Hageman, Bloomington

Christian Haney, Bloomington

Krista Harris, Bloomington

Emily Hendren, Le Roy

Emily Hunter, Atlanta

Kaitlyn Johns, Bloomington

Jennifer Juhl, Bloomington

Brad Kapraun, El Paso

Edith Laguna, Bloomington

Paige Leverton, Bloomington

[to top of second column]

Jenny Lin, Normal

William Linley, Normal

Emmanuel Lopez, Heyworth

Lydia Lyons, Normal

Delmy Martinez, Bloomington

Amelia Miller, Gridley

Andrea Mizell, Downs

Lindsey Mullen, Normal

Tucker Nance, Hudson

Benda Nurceski, Bloomington

Jody Parks, Normal

Noah Penry, Heyworth

Lauren Shively, Downs

Brittany Simeroth, Lexington

Mechele Sisk, Normal

Emily Vaughan, Normal

Darlease Watts, Bloomington

Alisa Wright, Heyworth

Dax Yosten, Bloomington

More information on Phi Theta Kappa can be found at: www.ptk.org

[Steve Fast
Director, Public Information
Heartland Community College]

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