Fall is a good time to improve the health and
appearance of a weather-worn lawn. Start the process by evaluating
the damage. Then plan a course of action and be prepared to follow
through as needed with proper care.
Fall fertilization can help improve thin lawns and those with
numerous small dead patches the size of a baseball or smaller. Apply
fertilizer in early September to help lawns recover from summer
stress while encouraging denser growth and deeper, more drought
tolerant roots. Those in warmer climates growing grasses like
centipede, Bermuda and zoysia should make sure the last fall
application is at least one month prior to the average first killing
frost. Use a low nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer that won’t harm
stressed lawns and young seedlings if repairing or overseeding the
Continue to mow high as long as the grass continues to grow. Taller
grass produces deeper, more drought tolerant roots. Mow often,
removing only a third of the total height. This is less stressful on
the lawn and results in shorter clippings that can be left on the
lawn. The clippings return moisture, nutrients, and organic matter
to the soil.
Use a sharp blade for a cleaner cut that closes more quickly,
reducing water consumption and risk of insects and disease while
leaving the lawn looking its best. You’ll also save time as sharp
blades cut more efficiently and reduce fuel consumption by as much
as 22%.

Improving a lawn’s growing conditions will help it recover more
quickly and equip it to better manage environmental stress. Core
aerate lawns that have more than one half an inch of thatch, those
growing in compacted soils, or before overseeding. By removing plugs
of soil, you will break through the thatch and create channels for
water and fertilizer to reach the grass roots. For best results,
core aerate the lawn when its actively growing; fall for cool season
grasses and spring or early summer for warm season grasses.
[to top of second column] |

Hand removal of weeds is the most environmentally
friendly option. Organic broadleaf weedkillers with the active
ingredient Fehedta or Hedta is another option. Spot treat problem
areas to minimize the use of chemicals and reduce the stress on
already stressed lawns. As always, read and follow label directions
carefully whether using traditional, natural or organic chemicals.

Repair dead and bare patches in cool season lawns
that are the size of a soccer ball or larger as needed. Those
growing warm season grasses will have the best results when seeding
in spring through early summer. Rake away dead grass and debris
roughening and exposing the soil below. Spread grass seed over the
area and lightly rake to ensure seed-to-soil contact. Or mix a
handful of grass seed in a bucket of compost or potting mix. The
organic matter helps conserve moisture and promotes seed sprouting.
Spread the mix over the soil surface. Water these areas often enough
to keep the soil surface moist until the grass seed sprouts. As
grass begins to grow, water more deeply and less often to encourage
a robust drought tolerant root system.
Proper maintenance and a bit of cooperation from nature will help
transform your lawn from a disappointment to an asset in your
Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including
The Midwest Gardener’s Handbook and Small Space Gardening. She hosts
The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the
nationally-syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program.
Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms
magazine. Her web site is www.MelindaMyers.com.
[Photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com] |