"All Things Are Possible With Faith" will be the
theme for this year's Lincoln Zone Fall Rally of the Lutheran
Women's Missionary League (LWML) Central Illinois District. The
rally will be held on Thursday, September 23rd at Christ Lutheran
Church, Mason City. The rally will begin at 9:30 a.m. with opening
devotions by Rev. John Johnson.
Featured speaker for the rally will be Rev. Joshua Theilen of Camp
CILCA who serves as the camp's Executive Director. The rally's Bible
Study will be led by Rev. Michael Mohr of Vandalia who currently
serves as the Sr. Pastoral Counselor for the LWML Central Illinois
Zone President, Deloris Blessman, will conduct the business meeting
and Zone Vice President, Sharai Bolton, will direct a Christian Life
Program based on the rally theme.
Gifts From the Heart lngathering will be various items going to the
local Food Pantry in Mason City.
The LWML is an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod which
proclaims the saving faith of Jesus Christ throughout the United
States and the world through mites. A few of the projects being
funded with mites on the District level include:
Student Aid for Church Workers
Food Banks at St. Louis & Ft.
Wayne Seminaries
Expanding Access at Camp CILCA
Filling Haitian Tummies

And a few of the projects being funded with mites on
the National level include:
Deaconess Ministry Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch
Healing the Invisible Wounds of War through
Bible Books for Africa's Children
Making the Next Generation of Disciples for Life

The public is cordially invited to the rally. For
information, contact one of the Co-chairperson: Jeanette Johnson
(217) 871-8498 or Alice Meeker (217) 891-1688
[W. Schussele
Christ Lutheran Church
Mason City] |