Op-Ed: National energy tax burdens
consumers, hinders environmental progress
[The Center Square] David Callahan &
Charlie Burd , Matthew Hammond | RealClearWire
Despite repeated pledges
from President Joe Biden not to increase taxes on working class
families, Congress is weighing new energy tax provisions that would be
shouldered by all Americans, harm energy job creators, and discourage
innovation in the technologies needed to achieve broad climate
objectives. |
Make no mistake, the natural gas tax buried in the $3.5
trillion budget reconciliation bill will increase the cost of energy – from
stovetop to fuel pump – and act as a tax levied on all Americans.
Congress must reject the proposed natural gas tax that will discourage American
energy development and the technological advancements critical to enhancing
environmental progress, while burdening every single American with higher home
energy costs.
Each of our organizations and the hundreds of thousands of
Pennsylvanians, Ohioans and West Virginians who work across our member companies
to produce, transport, and use natural gas, share the commitment to clean air
and environmental progress, and we’re proud of the action taken on environmental
leadership. State and federal regulatory policy – where issues can be debated,
and voices heard – is where environmental matters should be addressed.

A pay-for revenue raiser in a massive $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is no
place for sound, serious climate policy.
With one-third of the country’s households struggling to pay energy bills,
according to the U.S. EIA, these new natural gas tax burdens would
disproportionately fall on low and fixed-income consumers. That’s unacceptable,
especially when families across the country have experienced meaningful home
energy savings over the past decade thanks to the rise of U.S. natural gas and
oil production.
As U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey said about duplicative tax provisions: “I don’t know why
we would want to raise energy prices, slow economic growth, and actually reduce
the rate at which we are improving our CO2 emissions.”
He’s absolutely right. Notably absent from this rushed process is the
recognition of domestic natural gas in maintaining grid reliability, energy
security, as well as driving environmental progress. Instead of turning to OPEC
during energy supply shortages, we should be tapping the energy producers here
at home.
[to top of second column] |

Our home states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West
Virginia are together the world’s third largest natural gas
producer, and it’s no coincidence that Appalachia’s methane
intensity is recognized by the Clean Air Task Force as having the
lowest of the top hydrocarbon-producing basins in the country.
Globally, America is the world’s top natural gas
and oil producer, and has among the lowest methane emission
intensity of all other producing nations, according to an analysis
of IEA data.
These national and basin-wide correlations are a result of public
and private sector collaboration combined with the best industry
practices rooted in partnerships to provide the most sustainable
energy future possible – the same ones that birthed the shale
revolution and transformed American energy to the economic
powerhouse unimaginable a mere few decades ago.
We are proud of the economic and environmental advancements made in
the U.S. and across the globe because of domestic shale development
and use, and believe this sector is absolutey critical to the future
success of our nation.
Perhaps we should all take a page from U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin’s book
and “strategically pause” to think about policies to keep America’s
economy competitive. In fact, the bipartisan polling group No Labels
found 64% of suburban – and nearly 70% of rural – voters agree with
the senator’s hesitations.
As reconciliation advances in Washington, let’s remember any tax on
clean, American natural gas is indeed a tax increase on working
families, and one we just can’t afford.

David Callahan, Charlie Burd, and Matt Hammond are
leaders from Appalachia’s top natural gas and oil industry trade
associations, the Marcellus Shale Coalition, Gas & Oil Association
of West Virginia, and the Ohio Oil & Gas Association. |