A more relaxed way to handle them is to start the
transition now and think through some choices ahead of time. Some of
the questions you can ask yourself are: Do I have room for all of
them again? Are some “compost pile worthy” and others worth saving?
Are some just too big now and would taking cuttings or propagating
them a better choice? Would that leave room for others? Make your
goal to get them indoors before the end of September, for sure.
Insect control
While they are outside, our houseplants can host a number of insects
without any apparent damage. The wind and rain helps keep any
outbreak from being a problem and natural predators or the
environment in general keeps the insect populations down. But, bring
those houseplants inside without cleaning them up and those same
insects can be quite the problem in just a few weeks.

Spider mites may be one of the worst and hardest to be rid of if
they get established. Make close inspections, looking for very fine
webbing across leaves and leaf petioles. They look like tiny specks
crawling across the leaf underside or in the webbing on new buds or
leaves. If you manage spider mites, you will very likely manage any
of the other insects found on your houseplants. When you start
early, you can make several treatments with insecticidal soap or
synthetic insecticide, if needed. This is much easier to do while
outdoors in the open than dealing with mites or scale insects in the
home later. (Always read and follow label instructions.) [to top of second
column] |

Before you bring them in, be sure to rinse the foliage off one
more time. There are insects in the soil as well, but they typically do not
survive once inside with our drier air and low levels of humidity. You may find
them dead later on around the plants on the windowsill or shelf.
Moisture and temperature
Bring the plants in on the drier side to allow the plants to acclimate to the
lower light and humidity, and this is preferably before the furnace kicks on for
the first time. You will find your houseplants will do better after you bring
them in because they really do not like to be outside in the cooler temperature
at night in September anyway. One of the earliest 32-degree nights recorded was
Sept. 23, so don’t delay.
Starting early can help you make good choices without being rushed, and you get
to relax the night of the first frosty weather and save your flashlight
batteries for a real emergency.
[SOURCES: Richard Hentschel,
Horticulture Educator with University of Illinois Extension]