It seems every time I open my web browser, words
like monsters jump out and try and scare me. Words
like “Pandemic!”, “Covid Spreading Again!”, “New
Delta Strain Hits Community!”. If the world wasn’t
already dark and scary enough these days, these
words are the yellow fanged monsters which taunt
thought and imagination, causing some of us to fear
for our lives each and every day.
Wisdom says to indeed be cautious about protecting
our body and to make sure we look out for our own
health. But remember, worry is also an killer! In
fact, it can be even deadlier than Covid(!). Not
only can worry slowly kill the body, but even more,
it chokes out faith and trust in God like Jesus says
in Matthew 13:22.
“Fear does not stop death. It stops life. And
worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it
takes away today’s peace” (author unknown). Wise
words! What are you gaining by time worrying about
Covid or about anything else threatening your life?
Jesus would ask you, “Who of you by worrying can add
a single hour to his life?” (Luke 12:25). Worry
gains NOTHING. God has numbered all of your days,
and this should be a comfort! Your book is already
written; every word on every page! And should He
have used ink, it would be written in His blood. So
that every red word and every red letter would be a
reminder to you that no matter how scary the day
looks, you recall how much He cares for you by the
price He paid on Calvary’s cross to bring you to
Himself. It is in Christ’s death that He closed the
jaws of that scary monster called death. And where
the cemetery was once a scary place to dwell, Christ
makes it a garden and something not so fearful. He
beat death and stepped out of the grave alive, and
promises to you “he who believes in Me will live,
even though he dies” (John 11:25). You will not die
before the time appointed for you to die, so why
cower and live your life in fear?

God does not mean for your life to be lived like a
script of a scary horror movie! Be cautious and
practice wisdom, but live life without worry and
fear! Remember how the vampire Dracula cowered when
shown the cross? So let the cross of Jesus Christ
repel your fear of covid and live your life with
peace in Christ! In the words of the great poet,
Larry the Cucumber (ala Veggie Tales), “God is
bigger than the boogie man!”
Peace is found in Jesus,
Pastor Daniel McQuality
Grace Lutheran Church
201 S. College St, Lincoln
Worship 10:30a Sundays