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Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity ever thought to the obedience of Christ; 
+ 2 Corinthians 10:5 

“You are so stupid.  How does anybody put up with you?  Nobody really loves you. I don’t know how anybody can be so ugly?  Look at how fat I am.  God must hate me sometimes.  I’m such an idiot!”

Did I just read your mind?  Maybe not what you think ALL of the time, but definitely your thoughts?  After many years in the ministry and talking with people about their inmost thoughts, it never ceases to surprise me how many of us think like this.  And I’ll be honest, it’s me as well – I am my most harshest critic and you wouldn’t believe how terribly I hack myself down with a mental machete at times!  

Sometimes these thoughts are a demonic attack.  If you hear accusing thoughts saying “you”, it is likely a spiritual attack by a devil, while critical thoughts that that start with “I” are more apt to be your own critical thoughts.  Regardless, it’s important to be mindful when these moments come and to stop them.  If the devil, rebuke him out loud saying, “I hear your lies, devil, but I choose to listen to what God says of me as His child over anything what you say.  In the name of Jesus, go away from me”. (Ephesians 6:12) 

Other times, our thoughts are like a cancer attacking our own body, and these too must be brought into check by God’s Word.  Scripture says we have to “cast down” these thoughts in our imagination.  This means that when harmful lies try to rule the throne of your mind, topple them from that throne quickly.  If you are in Christ, you are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).  You are no longer condemned by past sins.  If God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31).  Not even you and your damning thoughts can stand up to God’s love for you at the cross!  So if the Bible says “bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”, it means arrest those lying thoughts and jail them for good, every time they come!  Then take those thoughts to the Judge!  Jesus is not just the Judge, but He is also the Lawyer who defends us, and the Bailor who pays our fine of sin.  Jesus Christ was obedient even unto death  So when our thoughts say “I’m not good enough”, we take those thoughts to Jesus and what Jesus did in our place.  We then say, “It is true that I am not good enough, but Jesus was and is good enough.  My life is in Jesus!”   

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  Nail those lying thoughts to the cross and let God’s Word be the nails that hold them there.

Daily devotion by Pastor Dan McQuality

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