Ribbon Cut

The Title Center enjoys a large turnout for open house and ribbon cutting ceremony

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[April 13, 2022]   On Wednesday morning, a large group gathered at the office of the new The Title Center in Lincoln for a grand opening open house and ribbon cutting ceremony.

Within the crowd, most of the guests were people who are involved in the real estate industry along with Title Center staff from the new Lincoln office and the Springfield Office, and members of local government entities.

On hand representing the Title Center was the Lincoln Office staff Missy Lock and Ally Twente. Joining them for the Springfield office were Agency Manager and Vice President of Investors Title Dana Lyons, Agency Marketing Manager Diana Eldridge, and Staff Attorney Dave Fernandes.

In the group were a number of local realtors including Jessica Devore, Gaynor Goodman, Diane Schriber, Brenda Short, Linda Barrick, Camill Tedrick and Tena Schneider. From the city of Lincoln were the city’s new Administrative Assistant Ashley Metelko and City Clerk Peggy Bateman. Representing the county were Logan County Clerk Theresa Moore, Logan County Treasurer Penny Thomas and Logan County Deputy Sheriff (and Ally Twente’s husband) Chris Twente. The group was rounded out with Logan County Tourism Director Alice Roate, Karen Hargis and Nila Smith of Lincoln Daily News, and other friends and supporters of the new business.

The office is located at 120 South McLean Street in the Farm Bureau building. The open house had begun at 9 a.m. and by 9:30 the office was filled with well-wishers who were enjoying a time of visiting with the Lincoln and Springfield staff while munching on a selection of sweet treats set up in the back conference room.

At 9:45 a.m. everyone went outside to stand among the bright blue, white and metallic balloons at the front entrance. The scissor for the cut was held by Lock, Twente and Lyons with Eldridge and Fernandez close by and everyone else gathering in behind.

Nila Smith welcomed the group and thanked the corporate staff of the Title Center for investing in Lincoln with a new office. She acknowledged all the staff and guests behind the ribbon then asked Lyons to speak on behalf of The Title Center.

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Lyons said that the Title Center is very happy about their new office in Lincoln. She said that Lincoln had been on the company’s target list for quite some time. Finally this year, it all came together for the company and they were pleased to be able to come to the community. She said that the move to Lincoln had gone very smoothly thanks to the welcoming attitude of the community. She said that she was excited about having Twente and Lock man the Lincoln office and that the two ladies were a great fit for the company as well as being a good fit in this community.

Finally, she said, she wanted to thank all that were at the ribbon cut for their support of the company, and the company looks forward to working with them all in the future.

Mayor Tracy Welch was unable to attend on Wednesday morning due to another commitment. He had sent a message to Smith asking that she convey his appreciation and congratulations to the new company. Saying that she would try to say what she felt Welch would say himself, she told the group that it is very important to Lincoln that we see new business come to town, and especially to the heart of the town. She said that these are trying times with good and bad, but we need to capitalize on the good and celebrate our community and all that is good within it.

With that, the ribbon holders were asked to tighten up that ribbon and the scissor holders to pose ready to snip. A group photos was taken, the entire group helped with the countdown for the three ladies holding the scissor to snip the ribbon.

After the cut, everyone was reminded that there were snacks inside and also that Dave Fernandes would be hosting a class on Title Insurance at 10 a.m. in the boardroom across the hall from the Title Center office.

[Nila Smith]

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