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Illinois Policy Institute | Dylan Sharkey

Permanent vote by mail allows Illinoisans to vote at home, offering convenience and a chance to make better-informed decisions. Voters automatically receive a ballot for each future election, so illness or forgetfulness aren’t barriers to civic duty.

The Nov. 8 election will be the first opportunity to permanently register to vote by mail in Illinois.

Senate Bill 825 went into effect July 1, allowing a single application to ensure voters automatically receive mail-in ballots for future primary and general elections. Aug. 10 is the first day when voters can make that request ahead of the election.

Until this upcoming election, voters in Illinois had to ask for a mail-in ballot for each election cycle. Now, even if a voter forgets about an upcoming election, a ballot will arrive in the mail to remind them.

All county clerks must mail permanent vote-by-mail notices and applications to registered voters starting Aug. 10, when permanent vote-by-mail registration opens. All registered voters will automatically get a notice and application no later than Sept 24.

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Mailing in your ballot is the safest way to prevent voter fraud, and has been the standard of the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War. Waiting until Election Day can have unforeseen consequences, such as illness or personal emergencies or long lines at your polling place. The earlier you vote, the more secure your ballot.

If you change your mind and want to vote in person, you can exchange your mail-in ballot for a regular ballot with the election judge at your local polling place.

Voting by mail is a proven way to increase election turnout. Once you mail in your ballot, you can immediately look to see where it’s at in the process using Ballottrax.

Permanently registering to vote by mail gives voters more time to study the candidates in the privacy of their own homes. Researching and voting from your kitchen counter instead of a polling place gives you more time to be an informed voter and pick candidates who best represent you and your values.

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