The Logan County Extension which administered the
4-H program, is part of a three-county district including Menard and
Sangamon Counties. This year the dog show which has in the past been
held in Logan County was conducted at another fair. There were also
no guinea pig entries by 4-H members in Logan County this year, so
that show was cancelled.

Tomlinson with Amanda Gray (right)

Carissa Davis

Extension staff on hand for the first show of the season included
Amanda Gray and Carissa Davis.

Lawrence and Ivy Cunningham
In Logan County, the superintendent for the cat show is Jayden
Lawrence. On Saturday she joined Judge Ivy Cunningham at the table
during the judging process. Cunningham is from Logan County. She
works at Cha-Dai Pet Motel in Lincoln and has been a personal cat
owner for more than 40 years.
Cunningham was charged with the task of examining the record books
each of the entries provided, then meeting with the individual
exhibitors and their cats for a brief conversation and an
examination of each of the kitties.

The first person to the judging table was Lauren Beck with her kitty
Meow-meow. Lauren is a Sangamon County exhibitor. She was asked
about her kitty’s habits and favorite things to do. Beck responded
that Meow-meow’s favorite activity is sleeping, especially while
lying on her lap.
Beck was then asked what her favorite thing about Meow-meow was. She
said that she loves his personality and that he is a super calm
laid-back kitty.

Cunningham asked questions about Meow-meow’s health and learned that
he has never been sick, and he’s never gotten away from Lauren and
been lost.
She asked Beck what was challenging about having Meow-meow. Beck
answered that she struggled to keep the kitty’s weight down. She
said that she had placed him on a diet, but during that time he
gained even more weight.
[to top of second column] |

The second person to show her cat was Jenna Beck, Lauren’s sister
and also a Sangamon County member.
Jenna shared that her kitty’s name is Oliver and he
was adopted from an animal shelter. He likes to play and also he
likes to sleep.
Beck was asked if she would consider owning another cat. She
responded that she loves Oliver and as long as she has him, he is
all she needs. However, she said that if something ever happened to
Oliver, she might at some time consider adopting another kitty.

The final exhibitor for the Logan County 4-H Cat Show was Rose
Catterson and her kitty Marvin. Catterson is a Logan County 4-H
member belonging to a club in Atlanta.
Cunningham asked Rose to tell her about Marvin. Catterson said that
she loves everything about her kitty. He’s super sweet, but she does
have an issue with his weight. She said that he currently weighs
just over 13 pounds, so in her behavioral training with Marvin she
does not use food as a motivator or reward for good behavior.
Catterson’s kitty is also a rescue of sorts. She told Cunningham
that Marvin came to her from someone who had him but was no longer
able to take care of him, so Rose took Marvin, and she is very happy
that she did.

All three of the exhibitors and their cats received blue ribbons.

After conferring for a few minutes superintendent Lawrence and judge
Cunningham announced that the top cat award for the show was going
to go to Lauren and Meow-meow Beck.
[Nila Smith] |