Have fun as the class explores
ways to spark memories and discover an easy way to begin
recording life experiences. She will use excerpts from her book,
Arranging a Dream: A Memoir, as examples of life storytelling.
Her “feel-good” memoir chronicles the first year she and her
husband took a chance and purchased a floral shop and greenhouse
business in 1975-1976 to pursue their dream of becoming
Whether the story is fiction or non-fiction, J.Q. Rose is
“focused on story.” She offers readers chills, giggles and
quirky characters woven within the pages of her mystery novels.
Using her storytelling skills, she provides entertainment and
information with articles featured in books, magazines, newspapers and online
magazines. Combining her love of storytelling and her experience in non-fiction,
J.Q. penned her memoir, Arranging a Dream.
J.Q. taught elementary school for several years and never lost the love for
teaching passed down from her teacher grandmother and mother. She satisfies that
aspect of her character by presenting workshops on life storytelling.
[Christina Vannoy
Administrative Director
Atlanta Public Library District]
