Throughout the morning and early afternoon on Friday,
Toys for Tots boxes had been collected and delivered to the space at
the station provided by the LRFPD. Around 3 p.m. the sorting
started, and within a couple of hours, the enormous number of toys
that have been donated this year was obvious.

Tables were set up in the truck bays at the station. Each section
was labeled as to the age range for the recipient, and when
applicable the gender. There were toys and gifts available for boys
and girls from infancy to pre-teen.

There were games, dolls, stuffed animals, toy trucks and other new
unwrapped items for parents to choose from on Saturday.

Donna Gaydosh is the local coordinator for the Toys
for Tots in Logan County. She said that she felt the supply this
year was magnificent, and that thanks to the generosity of Logan
County residents and several businesses and organizations, Logan
County children were going to have a nice Christmas this year.
[to top of second column] |

For those who are unaware, the Saturday distribution
will begin with those who have pre-registered to receive toys.
Gaydosh said those are always first, but by the middle of the
afternoon, most of those pre-registered parents will have been
served. Starting at 2 p.m., any Logan County resident who needs
gifts for their children this Christmas season, may come in without
a reservations and shop through the many tables of toys. Gaydosh
said she felt confident that there would be more than enough to go
around, so those who didn’t get the chance to register are welcome
to come out and select toys on a first-come, first-served basis.

Among the many people helping to sort toys on Friday were members of
the local Boy Scout Troop 102, Lincoln Rural Firefighters, members
of Gaydosh’s church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day
Saints, and other community members such as Tia Coyne, wife of local
State Farm Agent Chris Coyne, and representing the Raymon Gonzales,
the local Marine Corps League Toys for Tots coordinator.

The toy distribution will take place today (Saturday, December 10th)
at the LRFPD station on North Postville Drive. If you did not
pre-register, but have a need, you may visit the fire station after
2 p.m. today.
Gaydosh concluded saying this had been a great day and a great drive
this year. She is excited about what she can help provide for
families in need this year and every year. The Toys for Tots program
makes it possible for families to enjoy the Christmas season,
especially the children.
She added that when families are struggling, it is especially
important to her and to all those who work with Toys for Tots, to do
all that they can to help those families and make Christmas a little
brighter for children throughout the community.
[Nila Smith] |