Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education Meeting summary
Board approves increased tax levy

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[December 26, 2022]   The Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education called their regular meeting to order on December 19, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the grade school learning center. All members were present except Rob Smith.

After Roll Call, the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss items dealing with Board self evaluation, evaluation of staff, employment, purchase of property and collective bargaining. The Board returned to open session at 6:18 p.m.

Public Hearing - Truth in Taxation

At 6:22 p.m. the Truth in Taxation Hearing was called to order. Mr. Lamkey presented the tax levy to the Board and the public. In the presentation, he explained the “balloon levying” process and why the district used this strategy. The district must maximize what they ask for in the levy so they may capture all new construction and added assessments for the district. The 25% assessment does not indicate a 25% increase in taxes, rather it is an inflated guess at how much the EAV will increase due to new construction. Dave Opperman addressed the Board over the tax levy to ask questions about the process. He informed the Board that property assessments had been increasing in past years leading to higher taxes. He only asked the Board to consider opportunities to lower taxes as EAV rises so that the community could receive tax relief. There was no further discussion about the levy and the board adjourned the Truth in Taxation Hearing at 6:43 p.m.

Regular voting session

The Board approved the Consent Agenda which included the payment of bills, the sales tax revenue report, Board Minutes from November 21, 2022 and Executive Session Minutes from November 21, 2022. The motion passed 6-0.

Under Reports, Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board that the lights in the parking lot at the high school were expected to be erected by the end of the week.. He then commented on the discipline report which included two suspensions at the grade school and three suspensions at the high school.

In Unfinished Business, Amanda Wells from KEB summarized the 2022 Annual Financial Report stating the district was in compliance with no major findings except for the delegation of authority in the district office. This is a common finding for small school districts that have small office staff. There were a few procedural recommendations, but the district's finances were in good order. The Board approved the 2022 AFR 6-0.

Next in Unfinished Business, the Board adopted the Tax Levy with a 6-0 vote.

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The Board finished a continued discussion of the 2023 Capital Projects List. Mr. Lamkey presented the proposed Capital Projects List to the Board and emphasized the need to focus on what should be completed next summer. He pointed out the need for additional class space in the junior high due to growing programs and instructional needs. The Board recognized this need and moved the junior high room renovation to number one on the list. After the junior high renovation, renovations to the high school science rooms, the high school art room and ag shop will be considered. The amended Capital Projects List was approved 6-0.

In New Business, the Board approved the resolution to abate the General Obligation Bonds and the Alternate General Obligation Bonds 6-0. This will lower tax payer responsibility to the General Bond Obligations.

Next Mr. Wilham and Mr. Brown discussed the first reading of PRESS Policy Updates highlighting new policy concerning Mental Health Days and not mandating health testing for employees. The second reading of policy passed 6-0 and the policy update was adopted 6-0.

Superintendent Lamkey then took considerable time explaining staffing needs for the upcoming year. The Board agreed to allow the administration to seek an additional special education teacher for the grade school, an additional math teacher for the junior high, a high school physical education/health teacher and an administrator or dean of students/athletic director. It should be noted that only the driver's education/health teacher is not returning next year due to retirement. All other position changes are due to staffing changes within the current staff. All positions are subject to Board approval at a later date. The Board approved the staffing recommendations 6-0.

With no more business on the agenda, the Board adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

The next meeting will be January 18, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in the MPGS Learning Center with the open meeting beginning after 6:00 p.m.

[Sarah Farris
Administrative Professional
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23]


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