June 1, 1951, color television came to us for the
first time. With great excitement the newspapers
heralded the event, newscasts beamed the
achievement, and every household gathered before
their TV set. The next day, however, the television
station was besieged by complaints:
reception is still in black and white!"
color is not getting through to us!"
and fix my set!"
Patiently, the studio explained that while they were
indeed broadcasting in color, each household's
ability to receive color depended on their
equipment. So the trouble was not in the
broadcasting, but in the receiving.

too, broadcasts to us in the colors of real flesh
and blood. In Jesus Christ, we get to see God in
full color, but not all received Him.
innkeeper was so busy making money hand over fist
that he failed to recognize Him.
religious professionals were so impressed with their
authority that they missed Him.

•The Roman leaders refused Jesus a fair trial and carried out an
unlawful execution of Jesus. However, others did receive Christ.
•Poor shepherds in the fields took time off from work to go and see.
•Wealthy wisemen saddled their camels and began a long and expensive
journey to Bethlehem where they knelt to worship. •Disciples left
everything, followed and proclaimed Jesus is the Savior; never
retracting one word before their torturous deaths.
The same is true today. The same event broadcast; two different
responses. The same Jesus; two widely different receptions.
•One group sees Jesus in uninspiring black and white. To their way
of thinking, He is an intruder, bad news, a self-proclaimed messiah.
•The other group, those of us who believe, are humble, hungry, and
teachable: receiving Jesus in living color.
What sort of reception will you have?
Ron.Otto , Lincoln Christian Church |