[February 08, 2022]
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Have you ever noticed
that kids like to lay and sit in snow? While we adults tromp
through, sometimes grumbling, kids greet it with enthusiasm and plop
down, sometimes face-first right into the white stuff.

Taylor Probst drives home our point whit this shot of her little one
embracing the snow, face down. |


Of course, making snow angels is a good excuse for laying in the
snow. Tiffany Graham sent us this photo of her youngster doing just
that. |

Allaniee Merritt sent a similar photo of her youngster happily
wallowing in the white stuff with a snow angel in the making. |

We’re not sure what’s going on with these two. The mischief in their
eyes says they have been up to something, or are cooking up
something, but for now, they seem to be just taking a rest, sitting
in the snow. Thanks to April West for sending in this photo. |

We think this picture is a set up. It looks like the kids are
standing above knee deep in snow, but we think they are fooling us.
Thanks to Dusty Sellinger who sent in this photo and the next one. |

Dusty Sellinger also sent in this family photo. Cute! |

Jackson Johnson sent in this photo of his youngest son. It looks
like Jackson set him down in the snow for the picture, but he’s
definitely not complaining about it! |
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