In recent years, photo-based smart phone applications (apps)
have been developed to aid with plant identification in the
field. These apps boast their accuracy and many claim to provide
identification for a wide array of species simply based on an
image of the foliage. Do these apps work? And, if so, how
accurate can they be?
Research on Phone App Accuracy
A research paper published in the most recent edition of the
scientific journal, “Arboriculture and Urban Forestry”, explored
the accuracy of photo-based plant identification apps.
Researchers with the Rutgers Urban Forestry Program designed and
implement this study which assessed the apps’ abilities to
identify photos of 55 common street trees and native forest
trees in New Jersey.
For their study, experienced arborists photographed both bark
and leaves of trees and submitted their photos to the 6 most
commonly downloaded plant identification apps based on downloads
from the Apple App Store® in June of 2020. The specific apps
assessed include: iNaturalist™, PlantNet™, Leafsnap™, PlantSnap™,
PictureThis™, and Plant Identification™.

At least 4 images of both bark and leaves for each tree species
were submitted to each app and researchers observed and recorded
the results. The apps use photo recognition software programmed
to identify leaves and bark based on the common characteristics
of these plant parts.
Do Phone Apps Really Work?
To me, it is extraordinary that these apps are even able to
process visual data and generate near accurate results. As a
trained botanist, I know that 2 leaves for the same tree can
often vary widely. While there is typically a recognizable
pattern and some distinctive characteristics common across all
leaves on the same plant, certain species (typically within the
same genus) can have very similar leaf characteristics, making
it possible for a single plant to have individual leaves in its
canopy which are distinctive of its true species and other
leaves that would lead you to believe it’s another,
similar-looking species.
A good example of confusing similarity would be
white oak (Quercus alba), bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) and swamp
white oak (Quercus bicolor), who’s leaves can have a very
similar or very different pattern of lobes based on where you
look in the canopy of an individual plant. Shade leaves, or
leaves on the interior of the canopy, are often larger with more
distinct lobes than leaves in full sun.
[to top of second column] |

Knowledgeable botanists are aware of these nuances
and take care to assess several leaves at differing locations within
the canopy. However, beginners often make the common mistake of
looking at one low-hanging leaf, which may or may not be the best
example to observe. Due to instances like this, I have always
discounted the use of plant identification apps and have not
recommended them to beginners. However, some promising results were
uncovered by Rutgers.
What does the research say?
Each phone app makes suggestions, often several, for species-level
identification of the plant picture in question. The Rutgers study
found that while species-level identification by leaf pictures was
not always the most accurate (83.9% to 40.9% accurate), across all
the apps observed, genus-level identification by leaves was pretty
good, reporting accuracies from 97.3% to 71.8%. Across all apps and
all species, identification by bark pictures alone was not nearly as
accurate as identification by leaves.
For identification by leaves, the most accurate two apps were
PictureThis™ (97.3% accurate to genus, 83.9% to species) and
iNaturalist™ (92.3% accurate to genus, 69.6% to species). These
results suggest that phone apps can really help beginners rapidly
arrive at a to genus-level identification. With the aid of a good
guidebook, beginners can quickly reach species-level determinations
since the possibilities are narrowed down by the phone app.
App User Communities Boosts Accuracy with Crowd-Sourced
While the Rutgers study presents some fascinating data, this
research did not assess the community aspect that some of these apps
provide. Several of the apps in this study also offer an option
where users can ask the community of other app users to identify
their plant photo. I have found that community responses on these
apps are typically highly accurate to species-level and often come
from experts. So, when beginners can combine phone apps with other
tools, such as community responses and the use of guidebooks or
other reference materials, these applications have promising
Schmidt el al. 2022. An analysis of the accuracy of photo-based
plant identification applications on fifty-five tree species.
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry. 48(1): 27-43.
[SOURCE: Ryan Pankau, Horticulture
Educator, University of Illinois Extension]