Daily devotion by Pastor Dan McQuality

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“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
+ Matthew 6:24

A little girl was getting ready to go to Sunday School one day and her mother gave her 2 quarters. “Now here are 2 quarters”, she said, “One is for God to give in the offering basket, and the other is for you.”

As she went off skipping to Church, both quarters eventually flew out of the pocket of her dress! As she scampered after them and one quarter she was able to save. The other, however, kept rolling until it went right through the drainage grating on a curb and down into the sewer. The girl started screaming at the top of her voice, “Someone call 911! This is just awful! I dropped both my quarters and God’s quarter just went down into the sewer!

”We laugh at this and it is indeed a cute story, but it is funny because it discloses truth about our heart. We love God and believe that God is and should be first in our life, but we so often put ourself and our own desires above Him, don’t we?

Everything is God’s. But if we hold on too tightly onto temporary things, we lose our grip on God. God gives us things not so we love the things but that we love and thank the Giver. Look at God’s hands.

 They are open to receive us and bear the scars showing the price of His loving redemption. May we most tightly cling to Him and to the cross.

Grace Lutheran Church, 201 S. College St., Lincoln, IL
10:30am Sunday Worship; 9:00am Bible Study



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