Following the review of public comments, the
Illinois Corn Marketing Board has decided to proceed with a
membership vote on the referendum on March 29, 2022. The
amendment is approved if a majority of those voting in the
referendum vote in favor of the amendment. Polling is to take
place at the local Extension offices during normal business
hours. Extension offices in Brown, Pike, Bond, Henderson, and
Menard County will be closed, and Grundy County will have
reduced hours from 12-4.
Eligible voters who reside outside the State of Illinois or who
cannot be physically present at the polls on March 29 may cast
an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots must be requested in
writing from the Illinois Department of Agriculture.
Requests should be sent to: Director, Illinois Department of
Agriculture, Attn: Bureau of Marketing and Promotion, State
Fairgrounds, P.O. Box 19281, Springfield, IL. 62794-9281.
[Krista Lisser]