A wife
watched her husband weighing himself on the bathroom
scales, sucking in his stomach. She thought to
herself, "He thinks that he will weigh less by
sucking in his stomach?" So, she said sarcastically,
"That's not going to help." Her husband said, "It's
the only way that I can see the numbers!" Guess what
the number one New Year's resolution is? If you said
losing weight, you're correct.
We're always told "no one keeps New Year's
resolutions." That's not true! I kept mine last
year. I'm not bragging (well, maybe a little). I
committed to losing weight, working out, and getting
in better shape. And no joking, ask anyone, I did
it. It took me all year, but I did it. I'm only
telling you this because I want to be an
encouragement. Not everyone gives up by February. It
can change.
Did I ever cheat on my diet? Of course...some! I
don't diet on vacation or holidays. But the rest of
the time I was able to keep my resolutions.
So what would you like to be different this coming
year? Be realistic, but why not make a few New Year's resolutions
that will better your life? Here are a few I consider to b of our
Spend more time with family
Exercise more/Lose weight/Eat healthier
Quit smoking or some bad habit
Stick to a budget/Save money/Reduce debt
Find a better job
Take up a new hobby
Put down technology/Get outdoors more
Travel to places you've never been before
Be more spiritual/More Bible/More prayer
Join my church community more
We make resolutions because we are dissatisfied, because we want
something different, something more! It's okay to want changes.
If God is the center of your New Year's resolution, it has a good
chance for success. Remember, Phillipians 4:13 reads, "I can do
everything through Him who gives e sength." When we invite Jessus to
join in our resolutions, He gives us the power to see them through.
Ron Otto, preaching minister at
Lincoln Christian Church |