University of Illinois Extension
The funky, fidgety wild bird of Illinois Winters Dark eyed Junco
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[January 07, 2022]
Spring is a mere 70 days away, and every year sightings of the first
American Robin (Turdus migratorius) are hailed as the spring weather
harbinger, but did you know we have a winter weather welcoming bird,
too? It is that funky, fidgety, little member of the sparrow family
— the dark eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis).
Also called the ‘snowbird,’ dark eyed Juncos show up in Illinois as
soon as it gets cold. Why would this tiny bird come to the area for
winter, when so many other wild birds are heading for warmer climes?
For a possible clue, look at their breeding range. Juncos are more
northern dwellers when it comes to breeding, choosing cool summer
Canada and Alaska. The dark eyed Junco clutch is 3 to 6 eggs with 1
to 3 broods per season. The females determine the nest site, which
is usually in a natural depression in the ground (high rodent
predation) or occasionally in a tree. Incubation is 12 to 13 days
and the young fledge a quick days after hatching.

But in the non-breeding season, winters in Alaska and Canada are
much longer, darker, colder, and rougher typically than Illinois
winters. Although it may not seem like it to us, we have more
daylight for foraging, and less severe weather — just perfect for
this little cold weather bird.
Dark eyed Juncos are one of the most abundant forest-dwelling birds
in North America. Year-round they can be found inhabiting the
coniferous and deciduous forests of the western mountains and
Canada. But Cornell University dubs the dark-eyed Junco ‘the
snowbird of the middle latitudes.’ because here in the middle, they
flood in for winter in fairly large flocks.
In these flocks, there is a hierarchy giving preference to the
earliest arrivals. During winter, dark eyed Juncos expand their
habitat to include open woodlands and fields, roadsides, and on the
ground birdfeeders in the home landscape.
Which Junco is which and where?
West of the Rocky Mountains, male dark-eyed Juncos are often the
Oregon form with a dark brown hood, a light brown back and a white
belly. East of the Rockies, including Illinois, dark eyed Juncos are
the slate form with dark grey back feathers with a darker grey (or
black) hood. As with most birds, the females have a drabber coloring
in muted tones of brown, tan, and white to camouflage them from
predators as they sit on the nest. Beaks are light in color with a
blush-pinkish tone. Their little beady black eyes seem to vanish
into that dark hood of feathers.
[to top of second column] |

But just where were the Juncos this year?
In Northern Illinois, Juncos usually tend to show up when the first flurries
fly, and it is interesting that this year we had several calls into the
Extension office wondering just what happened to the Juncos because no one had
seen them yet. The first spotting is often mid-October. On a related note, we
also fielded several calls about why hummingbirds and monarchs were still begin
spotted late into October.
There is still much to be researched and understood about what combination of
factors actually signals migration. What we do know with 20/20 hindsight is that
we have had one of the hottest years on record — including an unusually very
warm entire month of October.
Somehow our migratory birds and insects knew more than the forecasters that we
were going to have that long warm fall and delayed their migratory yearnings.
Sure enough, just before our first cold snap in late November, reports of Juncos
appearing at backyard feeders started coming in.
When they do arrive, you will see them hopping or flitting with a little
stutter-step in leaf litter looking for food. According to Cornell University’s
All about Birds website, dark eyed Juncos are primarily seed-eaters. A majority
of their diet, 75%, consists of chickweed, buckwheat, lambsquarters. In the
breeding season, they add insects to their diets.
Here’s a “kew,” back off!
Males sing in a trill of notes that last up to 2 seconds with an amazing 7 to 23
notes, but it is quite soft, and you can’t hear it more than 40 feet. Their
calls are a high short chirp that they do in rapid succession when they fly and
eat which is thought to encourage other Juncos to follow. When feathers fly
during aggression, you may hear a sharp ‘kew’ sound given by the dominant bird.

But as early as February some years, it seems that the little grey birds are
suddenly gone, winging their way back to their northern summer homes for
breeding season to Canada and Alaska. So as you take your winter walks on the
wild side, look for this little bird of winter before they are gone.
[SOURCE: Nancy Kuhajda, Program
Coordinator, Master Gardener, Master Naturalist and Master
Composter, University of Illinois Extension] |