[January 15, 2022]
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January 8, 2021

The first baby of 2021 has made his appearance at Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital in Lincoln.
Xavier Awe was born on January 5th at 11:45 a.m. He weighed in at 7
pounds 9 ounces and is 19 inches long.
He was greeted by his parents Caleb and Secora Awe and his big
brother Elijah of Lincoln. |

May 5, 2021

Meet Luke Gray Sokolowski, not Luke Skywalker, but Logan County's
first Star Wars "May the fourth (be with you)" baby boy in 2021.
Luke was born May 4th, at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield. He
is the son of Matthew and Tamara Sokolowski of Lincoln.
Soon after, along came Logan County's second Star Wars Baby, Westley
Shelton, son of mom Taylor Gregory and dad Ryan Shelton, born at
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Lincoln.
Luke was born at 9:59 a.m. on Tuesday and Wesley was born a few
minutes later at 10:02 a.m.
As a fun play on the pun, the hospitals of Memorial Health Systems
provided "Yoda" caps and personal light sabers to all the babies
born of their five hospitals on Tuesday.
May 29, 2021
If you plan to attend Memorial Day Services at Steenbergen Cemetery
in rural Mount Pulaski this year, be sure to check out this
beautiful mural.
The patriotic piece is the work of Mount Pulaski muralist Scott
Lindley and was completed last fall.
According to Lindley, visitors can view the mural from the cemetery.
July 14, 2021

Work on the Illinois American Water tower at the west end of Lincoln
is moving along. When completed the tower will host the city of
Lincoln's name and logo, visible from Interstate 55.
The new tower is not the only project the water company is working
on in Lincoln. The company purchased land near the city of Lincoln
Landscape Waste Facility and is building a new water treatment plant
in that area. |
August 2, 2021

On Sunday afternoon an annual tradition marked the opening of the
2021 Logan County Fair. Local veterans from all branches of the
military gathered in the grandstand for an interveteran group photo.
Much to the delight of Logan County Fair Board member Mike Maske,
who orchestrates the picture event, there was a larger turnout. |
August 5, 2021
You are never too young to start riding a horse, especially on a
carnival merry-go-round with mom hiding behind the trusty steed
keeping a steadying hand on your bottom.
Carnival rides at the Logan County Fair opened on Tuesday, and by
Wednesday there were plenty of people out taking advantage of the
special treats that come to the community but once a year. |
August 9, 2021
Thanks to the imagination and creativity of the organizers of the
annual 4-H and Junior Sheep Show at the Logan County Fair, the day
of the show is always special and a lot of fun.
This year after the hard work of showing and selecting prize winning
sheep was done, it was time for some fun. That fun came in the form
of a sheep and shower costume contest. And, of course, extra points
were given to the duo whose costumes included....you guessed
it...wool. |
August 31, 2021

Lincoln and Logan County have a long-standing love affair with hot
air balloons. Each time that we see one in the skies, it takes our
breath away just a little bit. What is impressive about these giant
orbs of color is that the balloons take on a different personality
when the night falls. For example, Greg Saul's Good and Plenty went
aloft Saturday evening from Apex Park in Lincoln and glowed on
Saturday night at the Lincoln Park District. Two pictures of the
balloon in a similar stage of inflation, one taken in the afternoon
and one taken at night, show the dramatic change between daylight
and dark. |
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