Following Roll Call, the Board entered Executive Session at 5:01 PM
to discuss litigation against the school district and the
appointment, employment, compensation and performance of employees.
The Board re-emerged from Executive Session at 6:08 PM.
Recognition of Public included over 50 members in the audience, with
12 requesting to address the Board. Ten individuals addressed the
board in person and two requested to have a written statement read
by Superintendent Lamkey.
Consent Agenda, which included the approval for the payment of
bills, the sales tax report, meeting minutes from December 20, 2021
and Executive Session minutes from January 19, 2021. Superintendent
Lamkey informed the Board that sales tax revenues reported for
November had dipped from the previous month to just over $27,000.
In the Superintendent Report, Mr. Lamkey informed the Board that
high school juniors and seniors would benefit next year from dual
credit opportunities through Lincoln Land Community College. While
details of specific courses are still in the works, it is understood
that online course work will be provided that will satisfy not only
high school graduation requirements, but also give students college

It was also reported to the Board that there was a FOIA request for
Board member emails and text messages concerning mask mitigations
and COVID dating back to the first day of school. The district
office is working to complete the lengthy request and is set to meet
the due date of January 24, 2022.
There were no items in the discipline report.
This month's agenda contained no items in Unfinished business. In
New Business, the Board considered opening minutes from the previous
18 months Executive Sessions to the public.
This is an action the Board must consider every six months according
to policy. The motion failed to gain support through a 0-7 vote.
Each year in January, the Board must approve a Reduction in Force
(RIF) list that has been reviewed by both the district office and
the teacher’s union. The RIF list was approved by the Board 7-0. Due
to stable finances, the district does not anticipate the need for a
reduction in force for any time in the near future.
The next two agenda items announced the dates for junior high
promotion and high school graduation. MPGS Promotion Ceremony will
take place on Friday, May 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM in the MPGS Gym. The
MPHS Graduation Ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at
3:00 PM at the MPHS Gym. More details will follow this spring.
[to top of second column] |

Superintendent Lamkey then presented the Midyear Budget Report. He
was happy to inform the Board that all funds were in a good target
range at midyear with 7 funds being under budget. The Transportation
Fund was 5% over budget due to the three unforeseen state tournament
appearances in the junior high. Mr. Lamkey believes that the
transportation fund could be under budget by the end of the year,
but if not, a budget amendment hearing could be called to balance
the budget.
Each January Superintendent Lamkey reports on his progress toward
goals set between the superintendent and Board of Education. Mr.
Lamkey reported that he is on target to fulfill each goal set by the
Board. The Board will conduct an evaluation of the superintendent
prior to the February board meeting.
The Personnel Report was approved 7-0.
The following actions resulted:
Meyerriecks was hired as a MPHS Paraprofessional
Mason was hired as the MPHS Custodian
Kirk was hired as a MPGS Paraprofessional
Leonard was hired as a MPGS Volunteer Assistant Volleyball Coach
Olson was hired as the MPGS Volunteer 5/6th Grade Boys
Basketball Coach
Awe resigned as a MPGS Paraprofessional
In a separate personnel action, Belete Mott’s resignation as MPHS
Custodian was accepted 6-0 with one vote present.
Under Items of Information, Superintendent Lamkey reminded the Board
the district would host an IASB Abe Lincoln Division Dinner Meeting
in October. He also encouraged the attendance of all Board members
to attend the division meeting on March 1, 2022 at New-Holland
Middletown School.
The Board once again entered Executive Session at 7:16 PM to discuss
litigation against the school district and the appointment,
employment, compensation and performance of employees. The Board
reemerged from executive session at 8:35 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:38.
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Assistant
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23]