“Folks and friends and neighborly people,” came
the loudspeaker blaring of the official car of the Gates of Heaven
restaurant. “This year’s your ol’ pal Alphonse Wilson … but you know
they call me Windy … bringin’ the latest in news of fine Chinese
cousin and other newsy stuff.”
Folks came out of the stores and offices to listen and wave as Windy
once again drove around town in the loudspeaker car he borrowed from
Delbert Chin’s restaurant.
“Jes’ think on it a minute … you ever get a dirty plate or dirty
chopstick in Delbert’s Chinese joint? No you didn’t. Now you take in
there them fortunate cookies he has? Got the best fortunes in town.
Them cookies are worth the price of the food all by theirselves.
Last time I got one, it said a dream of mine would come true.
 [to top of second
column] |

“And you know what I’m dreamin’
about? A honorary college degree for bein’ the best cowboy camp cook
in the whole dang countryside! Thass right. So’s if you folks could
see fit to campaignin’ a bit for me, shore would like that. Hey, all
it costs is a dang stamp.
“And speakin’ of stamps,“ rang out Windy’s voice, “jes’ stamp yore
feet on into the Gates of Heaven Chinese joint here on Main Street.
Mebbe we should call it Chow Mein Street, whaddya think? And if you
are a real cannon-sewer of Chinese grub, jes’ ask ol’ Delbert to
bring you a poo-poo platter. Heard tell it tastes a bunch better
than it sounds.”
[Text from file received from
Slim Randles]
Pick up “Home Country: Drama, dreams and laughter from the American
heartland” www.lpdpress.com. |