Voters in Illinois have been presented with few choices when it comes to who
will represent them in the Statehouse, but 2022 looks like the year that could
change with 82 contested races projected to bring out 4.3 million voters – the
most in decades.
During the past 22 years, on average only 64 of Illinois’ 118 Statehouse
districts have been contested by a candidate from each major party. With roughly
half of Illinoisans living in districts that featured only one major party
candidate on the ballot each election cycle – usually the incumbent – voter
turnout in uncontested districts has been markedly lower than in districts where
voters had choices.
In 2018, the most recent non-presidential election cycle, voter turnout was a
measly 38.2% of the voting-age population on average in uncontested districts
compared to a 47.8% average in districts with more candidates on the ballot. No
choice means voters don’t bother to show up at the polls.
That’s common sense, but research also shows as the number of candidates
increases, voter participation increases. Voters benefit from having clear
options on Election Day, and having a choice in their elected leaders gives them
a reason to come to the polls. Individuals whose preferences do not resonate
with the positions of any of the candidates on the ballot are more likely to
stay home.

Fortunately for many Illinois voters, 2022 is projected to feature the highest
number of contested Statehouse races in at least the past 24 years. An estimated
82 races are expected to be contested.
During the past 24 years, the previous high-water mark for contested races was
80 back in 2002. The number of contested races bottomed out in 2016, when voters
had a choice in only 51 races. For the 2022 election, 58 districts currently
have registered candidates from each major party, a result of ongoing candidate
recruitment by nonpartisan Illinois Policy – an effort to bolster choices and
therefore voter turnout.
On average during the past 10 years, an additional 19 races have become
contested after primary season when major parties slate their candidates ahead
of the general election. Then, an additional five districts identified from
Illinois Policy's candidate recruitment process are estimated to become
contested as part of the slating process. The total expected number of contested
races for the 2022 election cycle is 82, the highest in recent history.
More Statehouse races can also be expected to boost voter turnout. Previous
analysis identified a 7 percentage point difference in voter participation rates
in contested Illinois Statehouse races relative to uncontested races, even after
controlling for factors such as the demographic composition of districts and
income levels. If this relationship holds, the increase in the number of
Statehouse races can be expected to yield an additional 82,125 votes from
individuals who would have otherwise not participated in the election process.
In total, the number of ballots cast could reach 4.3 million, the highest tally
for a non-presidential year in recent history.
The 2022 election will provide real choice for 1.2 million Illinoisans who
otherwise would have only had one option on their ballots.

Many theories of democracy emphasize voters reward or punish elected officials
by extending or ending their political careers. If many representatives run
unopposed and voter participation isn’t widespread, government accountability
can be undermined. Choice in elections also matters because evidence suggests
uncontested and lightly contested elections tend to skew policy in favor of
powerful special-interest groups at the expense of everyone else. This is
because low voter participation makes legislators more susceptible to the
influence of lobbyists rather than prioritizing service to constituents.
The majority of Statehouse districts in Illinois that have traditionally been
uncontested are within or contain parts of the city of Chicago. Traditionally
uncontested House districts are defined as those in which three of the past five
election cycles did not feature more than one candidate. Thirty-three of the 57
historically uncontested districts are in Chicago, while 10 are in the collar
county area. Only 14 come from downstate Illinois.
Among non-Chicago districts, there are relatively few discernable differences
between the voter population in contested and uncontested districts. There exist
large differences between Chicago districts that are traditionally contested and
those traditionally uncontested.
Demographically, there are major discrepancies in which Chicagoans live in
historically contested and uncontested Statehouse districts. Historically
uncontested districts have more than twice the share of Black and Hispanic
residents. While nearly 62% of the population in historically contested
districts is white non-Hispanic, 65% on the population in historically
uncontested districts identify as non-white or Hispanic.
[to top of second column] |

The differences in the race and ethnicity of those living in contested or
uncontested districts reveals an unfortunate truth in Illinois politics:
minority Chicagoans typically don’t get a choice in who represents them in the
state legislature. Even when accounting for primary elections, incumbents in
historically uncontested Chicago districts face no primary challengers from
their districts the vast majority of the time.
There are also concerning differences in economic and educational outcomes
between districts in Chicago. Uncontested districts tend to have much lower
levels of educational attainment, incomes and home values, while battling much
higher instances of poverty and unemployment than those living in contested
The median home value in contested Chicago Statehouse districts is $348,916, or
41% higher than the $246,637 seen in uncontested districts. Differences in per
capita income follow similar trends, with income per person being 36% higher in
contested districts.
The differences in educational attainment are even more extreme: 49% of those in
contested districts have at least a bachelor’s degree, while only 33% in
uncontested districts have a four-year degree – a 46% difference. Lastly, voter
turnout is substantially higher in contested districts, with 47% of eligible
voters participating in the 2018 election in contested districts, 36% higher
than the 34% of voters participating in uncontested districts.
Poorer economic outcomes also leave uncontested districts grappling with much
more severe instances of unemployment and poverty. Workers in uncontested
districts were 67% more likely to be unemployed than workers in contested
districts, with average unemployment rates of 8.5% and 5.1% respectively from
2015-2019. There are 16.5% of residents in uncontested districts living at or
below the poverty line, 53% more than residents of contested districts where the
figure is 10.8%.

Low voter participation, which tends to be a larger issue in low-income areas,
means the interests and policy preferences of low-income residents – who need
public services the most – aren’t necessarily represented in legislators’ policy
decisions. Research shows socioeconomic status is related to voting
participation and other forms of civic engagement. Individuals with lower levels
of formal educational attainment – lower income and more scarce financial
resources – are consistently less likely to vote (see Davenport, 2010, for a
complete review of the academic literature). Even when controlling for these
factors, voter participation is 7 percentage points lower than in similar
contested districts. Even if representatives do not act on the direct demands of
disadvantaged constituents, higher participation rates can alter the composition
of government and thereby influence policy outcomes.
Fiscal policy decisions made by state lawmakers during several decades have
skewed outcomes in favor of the powerful and well connected at the expense of
the state’s neediest residents and its middle class. From fiscal year 2000 to
2021, Illinois spending on pensions for government workers skyrocketed more than
533%. Spending on a range of core government services such as public health and
anti-poverty programs shrank by 14%. Illinois’ public pension benefits are far
more generous than retirement systems for private sector Illinoisans, with the
average career worker collecting more than $2 million in retirement after
covering only about 5-6% of the cost while working. Tax hikes to fund pensions
have hit Illinoisans of all income levels.
Additionally, research shows more competitive elections reduce levels of public
corruption. Corruption costs Illinois’ economy an estimated $556 million per

There is hope. The 2022 election is shaping up to be one of the most competitive
Statehouse election cycles in decades. More races are expected to be contested
this year than at any time during the past 24 years. There will be 1.2 million
Illinoisans who didn’t have a choice in the 2018 election who will have more
than one major party candidate from which to choose.
An increase in the number of Statehouse races with multiple candidates will
likely make state lawmakers more accountable to their communities. That will
ensure Illinois’ most vulnerable communities have truer representation in