Lincoln Christian University hosted another wonderful
Women's Conference on Wednesday with speakers Liz Curtis Higgs and
Rochelle Scheuermann.

Higgs hails from Louisville, KY and is the author of 37 books, and
has spoken at more than 1,800 Christian conferences and in all 50
states and 15 foreign countries.

Her messages are timely, biblical, encouraging, down-to-earth, and
often profoundly funny. She is currently serving as the director of
Spiritual Formation in Louisville, KY.
Spoiler alert: She has four more speaking engagements scheduled and
then will discontinue public speaking. Plus, she is not writing any
more books. She has felt a calling to new ministries in bible study
and encouragement. Want to know more go to her Facebook page.

Scheuermann has her MDiv. and Ph.D.
and is currently serving as an Associate Professor
at Wheaton College, where she directs three master's
programs in the School of Mission, Ministry &
The day was full of encouragement, laughter,
biblical lessons, and challenges. Those in
attendance were truly blessed and left refreshed and
with lighter loads.
[Karen Hargis] |