Lora qualified in all of his events at the state meet, according
to his mom, Danielle, but he was only allowed to swim in five
individual events.
His coach, Lauren Nesbitt, chose the following events in which
he participated: 100 IM, 50 Free, 200 IM, 100 Free, and 50 Fly.
The results are impressive.
Lora’s 100 IM entry time was 1:16.24 and he won 1st place with a
time of 1:12.69.
His 50 Free entry time was 29.03 and he got 2nd place with a
time of 28.11.
His 200 IM entry time was 2:50.53 and he won 1st place with a
time of 2:39.91.
His 100 Free entry time was 1:06.94
and he got 4th place with a time of 1:05.41.
His 50 Fly entry time was a 33.89 and he got 3rd place with a
time of 32.53.
In addition, these entry times were Lora’s fastest times from
the season in those events.
This young up and coming athlete has been swimming on a swim
team since he was five years old.
Lora began swimming for the Aqua Lynx in Lincoln with Mike
Block. Once Covid hit and the Aqua Lynx no longer existed, his
parents moved him over to the Decatur YMCA where he swims for
YDSC (YMCA Decatur Swim Club).
Lora has been swimming with the YDSC Gators for two years
now. He holds various records for the Gators including: 50 Fly
(32.53), 50 Free (28.11), 100 Free (1:09.42), 100 IM (1:12.69)
and 200 IM (2:39.91).
He will be a sixth grader at Chester-East Lincoln in the
fall and he enjoys both swimming and baseball.
Paxton’s proud parents are Ismael and Danielle Lora of Lincoln.
Congratulations, Paxton!
